osx 10.11 El Capitan and MySQL


First off all, sorry for my English.

I've updraded Yosemite to El Capitan and installed XCode 7.0. My app uses MySQL and it ran ok on Yosemite. Now, when I start it, XCode gives me this error:

dyld: Library not loaded: libmysqlclient.18.dylib

Referenced from: /Users/jose/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/SaDPeMAC-dvophlqioihoungqcdkihvpzskee/Build/Products/Debug/SaDPeMAC.app/Contents/MacOS/SaDPeMAC

Reason: image not found

Don't know what to do. Could anyone help me?

Sorry, this is what I get...

MacBook-Pro-de-Jose:~ jose$ otool -L /usr/Aplicaciones/SaDPeMAC.app/Contents/MacOS/SaDPeMAC

error: /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr/bin/otool: can't open file: /usr/Aplicaciones/SaDPeMAC.app/Contents/MacOS/SaDPeMAC (No such file or directory)

experiment with:

cd //usr/Aplicaciones/SaDPeMAC.app/Contents/MacOS/

or whatever, until you find the correct path (you won't get an error when you have it)

The following are complete guesses; You have to figure this bit out yourself really:

cd //usar/Aplicaciones/SaDPeMAC.app/Contents/MacOS/


cd //Applications/SaDPeMAC.app/Contents/MacOS/

After a clean install El Capitain and restore from TC files

Installing several times several versions of MSQL in Firefox Browder

we enter http:/localhost --- It works!

When we enter http://localhost/gnet/cgi-bin/gnet-app.cgi

Give a message

Optep to open : gnet.app.cgi

is a: Binary file (189KB)

of :http://localhost

Do you want to save this file ?

I would apreciate your precious help , because I did not find in the web how to solve this problems

Thank you Very Much


You can symlink to `/usr/local/lib` instead.

`sudo ln -s /usr/local/mysql/lib/libmysqlclient.18.dylib /usr/local/lib/libmysqlclient.18.dylib`

Wow! That fixed the problem!!!

So easy! Thanks a lot!

osx 10.11 El Capitan and MySQL