Cannot run Unit Tests

When I attempt to run my app's unit tests in Xcode, the tests fail with an error message: "Test session exited(80) without checking in. Executable does not provide an architecture compatible with the current process." I'm unaware of any way to make it work. Some say that you need to make sure you have arm64 in the architectures, but I already do. The unit tests used to work, not sure why it isn't working anymore. I went back to older versions of the codebase when it worked before, and none of it works anymore.

Steps to Reproduce:

1. Open project in Xcode which has unit tests

2. Open the Test navigator

3. Click a run button to run all of the tests or just a single test

Expected Results:

I expected the tests to run and to see success/failure for each unit test.

Actual Results:

There is no success/failure indication for each of the unit tests. Instead the testing fails before any of the tests get executed.


Xcode 6.3 / 6D570

OS X Yosemite 10.10

Full Error Text:

IDEBundleInjection.c: Error 3585 loading bundle '/Users/davidkobilnyk/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/ShopRunner-bidzmfgkvbuukseorqflphmltsuw/Build/Products/UnitTestingRelease-iphonesimulator/ShopRunnerTest.xctest': The bundle “ShopRunnerTest.xctest” couldn’t be loaded because it doesn’t contain a version for the current architecture.

DevToolsBundleInjection environment:

XCInjectDiagnostics: (null)

XCInjectBundleInto: /Users/davidkobilnyk/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/ShopRunner-bidzmfgkvbuukseorqflphmltsuw/Build/Products/UnitTestingRelease-iphonesimulator/

XCInjectBundle: /Users/davidkobilnyk/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/ShopRunner-bidzmfgkvbuukseorqflphmltsuw/Build/Products/UnitTestingRelease-iphonesimulator/ShopRunnerTest.xctest

TestBundleLocation: /Users/davidkobilnyk/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/ShopRunner-bidzmfgkvbuukseorqflphmltsuw/Build/Products/UnitTestingRelease-iphonesimulator/ShopRunnerTest.xctest

TMPDIR: /Users/davidkobilnyk/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/B9744C21-3FED-4B40-8E9D-C730291C4F75/data/Containers/Data/Application/F370425B-2FDE-4E1E-AB99-B31BA9EB5E5C/tmp

DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH: /Users/davidkobilnyk/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/ShopRunner-bidzmfgkvbuukseorqflphmltsuw/Build/Products/UnitTestingRelease-iphonesimulator


DYLD_FRAMEWORK_PATH: /Users/davidkobilnyk/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/ShopRunner-bidzmfgkvbuukseorqflphmltsuw/Build/Products/UnitTestingRelease-iphonesimulator



*** Test session exited(80) without checking in. Executable does not provide an architecture compatible with the current process. If you believe this error represents a bug, please attach the log file at /var/folders/zq/gr2jpjjd1rq95mgxfjfwdcyr0000gn/T/

Answered by question in 191496022

For future viewers -- this bug was found to have resulted from using an SDK called Artisan.

6.3 may not be worth troubleshooting. I'd move to 6.4, and be sure to read the release notes for any UI testing tips, bugs, etc.

Thanks for the tip. Unfortunately, same error in 6.4.

I'm seeing the same behavior in 7.1. Has anyone had any luck resolving this? It seems random as to whether Xcode actually does anything when pressing the little arrow/play buttons next to unit tests in the test navigator.


I'm using Xcode 7.1.1. I'm having a success message after running the tests but there's no success or failure indication for each of the unit tests. In fact, I've wrote some unit tests that may fail but nothing. I've created a brand new project and have the same results. Is this a bug? Thanks!

That certainly sounds like a bug. Please file a bug report!

Accepted Answer

For future viewers -- this bug was found to have resulted from using an SDK called Artisan.

I assume you're running this on a simulator? If you get this issue in future frameworks / libraries, I solved it by excluding arm64 for Any iOS Simulator. After this I was able to run tests with no issues. So far i've experienced this with a few libraries only on M1 devices. Hope this solves anyones future problems though!

Cannot run Unit Tests