Cannot find 'Create certificate' option after logging into developer account with apple id.

I am trying to create ceritificate as part of my course for learning MDM. While enrolling on MaaS360 I was asked to enroll my iphone, but during the process there is a stage where you need to create a certificate which says to login to applen account and click on 'Create certificate'. When I log into developer account the options it has got is, documentation, download etc. Can you please help if there is anything wrong on my profile and if thats the reason i cannot see the option.

In the account window, click on Certificates, Identifiers…, either on the main panel or on the menus on the left

You get a window with certificates.

select IOS or MacOS, from the popup at the topleft.

At the top right, there is a plus ➕ button to add certificate

I have the same problem


Thanks Claude31, but I cannot see certificates option at all, when I log in, all i see it 'Account' at the middle at the top, on the right I have my name.

On the left pane I have documentation, forums, download etc.

It is a requirement that the dev have a paid Developer Program account to be able to access C, I & P.

Not being able to see that link typically indicates you are using 'free provisioning'. The (outdated?) process you are following is for paid, not free. If you have a paid account, how new is it? Note current Xcode should automate most if not all of the process for you, once you add your compatible Apple ID to preferences/accounts.

For free provisioning/testing/tinkering on your device:

• From within Xcode 8.x or higher (Mac only), navigate to “Xcode—->Preferences—->Accounts.” Hit the '+' icon below left to add your Apple ID*. After you add and select your account, it will show within the main account window on the right under ’Team' as ‘<YourName> (Personal Team)’ w/role ‘User’.

• Connect your device (cable only, not wireless) and select it as build destination via the 'active scheme' dropdown to the right of the play and stop icons.

• In target's 'General' tab/settings:

• a. Set app identifier you want for your free profile - note this must be unique, meaning if it is already in use, you can expect an alert warning is it is already in use and you should enter a different string. If you expect to make this app for store distribution later, you will either need to change again, then, or make a plan now that includes a naming scheme.

• b. Set team id as 'Personal Team' ...the apple id used w/free provisioning

• c. Hit 'Fix Issue' button below the provisioning profile warning

- You may have to ‘Fix Issue' more than once - keep at it so Xcode can step thru them as needed.

• Run your app with your device selected.**

Free provisioning secrets/things you’ll want to know:

- The profile will be valid for 1 week, after which time you will need to recreate a new one (delete the account from Xcode and repeat the process).

- There is a limit to how many apps you can build and test to your device. If you hit this error, delete old versions and try again.

- Maximum number of (connected only) devices limit is reported as 3. And unlike a paid account, there is no Member Center/devices access/management.

- What you can/can't do w/free provisioning is listed here: - In App Purchase, as an example, is one of the features not avaliable w/free provisioning.

- If you see an error that says "change your Bundle Identifier to a unique one”, that means don’t use the same string (and/or the string is malformed; no special characters, hyphens, underscores, spaces etc.) such as: …add your last name or some string to the end such as com.sample.lastname, then click on ’Try Again’.

Note: You may need to change it again if your app goes to the store. Don’t use a string here that you intend to be in the store later. Use something non—important. If you make this change, follow it up by using the ‘Product’ menu while holding down on the option key, then choosing to ‘clean build folder’.

- If this is about creating an .ipa to manually hand off, select Build For Archiving under the project menu, not ‘Run’.

- *If you have, had or plan to have, a paid developer account, be sure to use a unique/different apple ID for each account.

- **Free accounts may experience issues launching apps on the watch for the first time.

Workaround: Launch the app manually on the device and click “Trust” when the security sheet appears. You should then be able to launch the app from Xcode.

Cannot find 'Create certificate' option after logging into developer account with apple id.