WARNING ITMS-90704: Missing App Store Icon.


I have been trying to resolve another warning.

WARNING ITMS-90704: "Missing App Store Icon. iOS Apps must include a 1024x1024px App Store Icon in PNG format. Without providing the icon in the Asset Catalog or via iTunes Connect, apps cannot be submitted for App Review or Beta App Review. Refer to https://developer.apple.com/ios/human-interface-guidelines/icons-and-images/app-icon/ for more information."

Any help would be greatful.

iOS11 / Xcode 9.0.1 / Mac High Sierra 10.13

It's such a waste of time chasing crap like this when you have done everything to spec as per guidelines.

May be useless question, but have you check the exact size of png image (in finder information) ?

Yes, the size is correct. I was able to successfully upload the app two nights ago apple rejected the binary because of a bug. i fixex the bug and now i am getting this warning!

maybe apple should fix xcode

I am having exactly the same problem.

Without providing the icon in the Asset Catalog or """"via iTunes Connect"""

The icon is right where it belongs in xCode but where is the URL to provide it via iTunes Connect?

>but where is the URL to provide it via iTunes Connect?

There is none. Where did you learn that?

Add it to the catalog and confirm it's there in build phases/copy bundle resources. If that means juggling in place, be sure to perform an option-clean build folder.

Hello Angelomm61. Did you ever get this issue resolved? My developer and I are having a horrific go of it.

Missing App Store Icon. iOS Apps must include a 1024x1024px App Store Icon in PNG format. Without providing the icon in the Asset Catalog or via iTunes Connect, apps cannot be submitted for App Review or Beta App Review. Refer to Human Interface Guidelines - App Icon for more information.

No. Issue still presist. I have done everything to fix this.


I'm having this issue now, were you able to get this working in the end?

My issue with this error was with my messages extension. I needed to create another asset catalog in the main app with an iOS app icon and target the main app like mentioned here: https://help.apple.com/xcode/mac/current/#/dev4b0ebb1bb. Then making sure my Messages Icon set was only targeting the extension.

Then was getting the error of:

The app icon set named “AppIcon” did not have any applicable content

but my 1024x1024 app icon was there... Adding the rest of the iOS icons in the set fixed that error. Super frustrating with generic error messages and seeing so many developers with this error for years.

You might want to look into your own software tool. I saw that the one I rely on mysteriously decided to purge all the icons for all the platforms I worked on.

I found that the option "Enable device-specific builds" was ticked in the Build properties of the release configuration in Visual Studio Mac. Unticked and then submitted, all good... HATE this error!!

WARNING ITMS-90704: Missing App Store Icon.