XCode 9.0.1 Jump To Definition does not work

I am using XCode 9.0.1 with my Swift 3.0 code project and some times Jump to defination worked very well. However, now its not at all working. I did try reinstall, cleat etc etc but no luck so far.

I have noticed with XCode 9.1 beta that when there are errors in code, jump may not work. Once errors are resolved, it works ok. Just as if indexing was distressed by errors.

It's just buggy unfortunately. You need to quit xcode and restart it, then it will work again. Yeh, I know. 😟

XCode Version 11.4.1 under Catalina. Does not work. Apple cannot fix it since 2017. Worst IDE ever.

Have you tried cmd+ctrl+click? Works fine here, same configuration on a non-US system.

The ^ symbol for ctrl as shown in the contxt menu is sometimes misread for shift – yes, its not a very good symbol… and a common source of misunderstandings.

That said, generally a lot of key combos on non-US keyboards get far too little attention, and a significant number of them is non-functional since years.

Not working on Xcode 13.0 :( for huge projects, Xcode is a mess.

XCode 9.0.1 Jump To Definition does not work