apple-touch-icon not showing


We are developing a small intranet web app for a company. This company is using self signed certs and a difference of iOS devices. It is not possible/wanted to import the self signed certs into the devices. So far no problem. For our web apps we have designed touch icons which did work on our test-servers but won't work on the devices of our customer. After a lot of debugging the following seems to be the cause:

- If the webserver supports https with a valid certificate, Safari wil use the apple-touch-icon. (best situation)

- If the webserver supports https and is using a self signed certificate, Safari does NOT use the apple-touch-icon. (worse, but stil ssl)

- if the webserver only supports HTTP Safari uses the apple-touch-icon correctly. (no encryption at al, but Safari uses the apple-touch-icon)

Because Safari is using the apple-touch-icon without https, the self signed cert probably may not be the cause of not using the apple-touch-icon (encryption is better than no encryption at all....).

Is this a bug in Safari? Anybody an idea how to place the apple-touch-icon on the home screens of our customers without importing the self signed cert or using only http connections?

Thank you,


Answered by fry2k in 294078022

Thanks for your post, I recognized exactly the same Problem with an iOS 11.2.5 device.

I lost the half day searching for the reason why the apple-touch-icon isn't working with iOS 11 at our test environment and still works at our live environment.
A iOS 9 device works like expected on both environments.

Our test environment has like yours a self-signed certificate with the difference that we imported our ca into the devices. But this doesn't make any difference. The touch icon isn't working at HTTPS.

The touch icon is working for me with the following scenarios / devices:

  • iOS 11 http
  • iOS 11 https trusted certificate
  • iOS 9 https self signed

And it isn't working with

iOS 11 https self signed

Accepted Answer

Thanks for your post, I recognized exactly the same Problem with an iOS 11.2.5 device.

I lost the half day searching for the reason why the apple-touch-icon isn't working with iOS 11 at our test environment and still works at our live environment.
A iOS 9 device works like expected on both environments.

Our test environment has like yours a self-signed certificate with the difference that we imported our ca into the devices. But this doesn't make any difference. The touch icon isn't working at HTTPS.

The touch icon is working for me with the following scenarios / devices:

  • iOS 11 http
  • iOS 11 https trusted certificate
  • iOS 9 https self signed

And it isn't working with

iOS 11 https self signed

Hello Apple support,

Is there any chance this issue will be solved in comming iOS versions? It is an issue for intranets.

Kind regards,


apple-touch-icon not showing