Profile provisioning expired - Notification not working


We have some troubles about receiving notifications with our phone application.

We have not made any modification in our push server, so I took a look in our apple dev account and I found that the provisioning profile has expired.

Can it be the raison for the not working of the notifications?

I did this modification in our configuration

* In Provisioning Profiles, I generate a new profile.

* And in App IDs, I edit the push notification configuration and Create certificate on Production SSLCertificate, I add a new certificate

Do we need to build the application with XCODE and republish the application on the store, after this modification?

Can you show us the right way to fix the expired provisioning profile / not working of notifications?

Thankh for your help

No you do not need to republish the application to the app store.

You just need to update the server that is sending your pushes with the correct certificates.

Hope this helps,


Profile provisioning expired - Notification not working