Tailoring MacBook Pro Spec to Maximise Xcode Performance

My current computer (a mid-2010 Macbook Pro, with 16GB of non-native RAM and a non-native SSD) is struggling to cope with the most recent incarnations of Xcode (currently running v9.2). Build and Run commands are still executed in reasonable time, but the speed with which I can write code is at times so slow that I'll be close to tears!. For example, although it takes me just a few seconds to type two or three lines of Swift, it can often take Xcode a minute or more to get the text onto the screen (a stand-alone Dell monitor connected via a mini-display port cable).

The problem seems to be that the autocomplete/code-sense features of Xcode are stretching Xcode to breaking point - the fan starts up within minutes of starting work, and generally don't stop until I do. The standard advice for remedying this (deleting derived data) has little impact. What's more, although restarting the computer does have some effect, it's not long-lasting, and isn't a long-term solution.

I'm at the point now that I'm willing to fork out for a new computer but want to spec it wisely: spending extra money only on upgrades that will make a difference within Xcode. To my untrained eye the choice seems to be between getting extra RAM, a faster processor, or both. Am I right about this? If I am, what should I do? if I'm not, what am I missing?

I'm not convinced it's as simple as 32GB ram and a faster processor. I'd want to see a comprehensive face off with your present IDE before I'd make that leap.

As another data point, how much free space are you keeping on your SSD now? How many hours on it?

I would certainly test Xcode running in a new user account, to make sure that it is a "default" problem on your hardware, rather than something unique to your set-up.

You've had good mileage out of your 2010 MBP, but I'd say it is time for a newer model. I've recently upgraded my 2012 MBP, with maxed-out RAM and an SSD. While it might have been ok for even heavy tasks, my newer rMBP (2014, bought second-hand on eBay) is worlds apart.

Xcode might be an inefficient dog, but it's what we have, and if you need to use it, then you need a Mac that can get it done.

Tailoring MacBook Pro Spec to Maximise Xcode Performance