App stuck in review for a month

One of our apps is in review for a month now.

We contacted support via mail and phone multiple times and only get the same excuse again and again:

"We apologize for the delay. The review for your app is still in progress and requires additional time. We will provide further status updates as soon as we are able, or we will contact you if we require more information."

They do not even mention a reason and our client is slowly getting upset.

Has anyone experienced a similar delay?

It's a gamble... but it has paid of previously for a friend of mine recently who simply rejected the binary and resubmitted. It was approved within 18 hours.

I should add, that was because it felt like the app was 'stuck' somewhere. If they're doing extra reviewing of your app, I'm sure there's a reason behind it.

same here ... for tow months!!.. we self-rejected and resubmit .. but same !!!.. no response .. still in review

Did it got approved yet?


I have the same problem, did this all work out good for you in the end?



Same here... waiting now for about 28 days and the same answer meaning nothing.

Same here.

It has been a month!


We apologize for the delay.

Your app is still in review but is requiring additional time. We will provide further status as soon as we are able.

Thank you for your continued patience.

Best regards,

App Store Review"

Previously, it only takes 1-2 days of review time. This time we added additional 3 IAP subscriptions.

Argh, very irresponsible and irritating!

Waiting for 3 months already. App still in review, Apple is ignoring me. I will ask for the help of the press.

You definitely need to self-reject and resubmit -- 3 months is way too long -- your app has gotten lost in the system somewhere.

I had the same problem for my app, 10 days and nothing, the solution was reyect the review proces, go to dev portal and delett all certificates and create new ones, archive the app again with a nuew number version and resubmit. The app was aproved in a few hours.

Obviously, after qualifying very negatively a satisfaction survey of apple support, where a young man spoke to me and explained the problem. Definately there is a terrible communication problem between the reviewer and the developer.

same boat. All the previous updates took 1-2 days max. This udate included in-app purchases(subscription) and whenever it goes into "in review" it is STUCK. Tried self-rejecting and resubmitting but the problem persists. Anyone was able to sort this out??

Has it been solved later? We have the same experience. Our team has paid a lot of effort for this app, but we don't know why Apple is auditing.

I hope it's been solved after 2 years.

Apple has the worst developer ux experience among others.

Reviews stuck somewhere and become forgotten.

Although my app approved in a few hours, my in-app purchase item has been "in review" for 3 days.

This is not normal because testing an in-app purchase should take no more than testing a whole app.

The strange thing is, it shows "In Review" but when you click in-app purchase item details, it says "Approved".

I send a bug report and asked the status but I had no feedbacks yet.

PS: Apple forum doesn't send notifications, so if someone replies, you will not know that.

App stuck in review for a month