iTunes Sandbox Extremely Slow

I'm developing IAP using sandbox enviornment, but the API is VERY VERY VERY EXTRMELY slow.

I takes about 30sec ~ 1minute to response after I make a payment on iOS, or, I am trying to restore the purchase, all I got is the


callback, and with the "Cannot connect to iTunes Store" related error.

And same with the validation API:

Only 1 out of 10 times will give me succesfull response, others just keep giving me timeout response.

This is really annoying, I've spent my whole day of waiting the response.

Anyone facing the same issue?

I'm 100% sure my network works fine.

Same issue here. Any update about the sandbox status?

what happens if you try pinging the server using the Terminal app

user$ ping

My results are as follows

PING ( 56 data bytes

64 bytes from icmp_seq=0 ttl=247 time=2.871 ms

64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=247 time=3.001 ms

rich kubota -

developer technical support CoreOS/Hardware/MFI

We are seeing the same issue as well. The sandbox very slow to return product prices, make purchases, and restore purchases. It also repeatedly asks us to verify our Apple ID in the Settings app, even though it is just a sandbox user. We have been working with IAPs for years and have never run into these kinds of issues.

user$ PING ( 56 data bytes

Request timeout for icmp_seq 0

Request timeout for icmp_seq 1

Request timeout for icmp_seq 2

Same issue here...

Ditto here. Its just a loop, enter the Sandbox user ID and password, and it will ask for it again. Plus this is an iMessage app I'm testing, and it will close the iMessage window in the background. Has anyone seen this get resolved in the past few days?

Update, about 10 minutes after replying here last night, I finally started getting the Sandbox prompts to purchase my app. So it took around 20-30 minutes for all my test purchase attempts to finally register back.

I didn't realize there was a health board to check, so I can't tell if this was green or what last night. For future reference...

Hi, today we're seeing a very erratic behavior from the IAP sandbox.

For some time,purchaes take way too long and trigger timeouts and then, after a while, they start responding fast, then back to long waiting times.

It doesn't seem like this website is 100% trustworthy...

Did you guys find any work around /fix ?

Same here. The sandbox env is EXTREMELY slow. A ping times out. Trying to purchase some product results in not showing up the purchase dialog. Restoring works in 2 of 10 cases.

Also a curl request to sporadically gives me

cURL error 56: OpenSSL SSL_read: SSL_ERROR_SYSCALL, errno 104 (see

Same this happening here on March 5, 2018. Still slow, dying to timeouts.

Same issue here.

It's nightmare as I can't debug my app even in TestFlight build.

I found a similar issue, but this have been left for over one year...

Same here. Really slow connection for the itunes sandbox environment. I've opened a bug and it was closed as a duplicate. Hopefully it's going to be fixed soon.

The iTunes Server group has asked that if you are finding that the performance of the sandbox servers are slower than expected, please submit a bug report. The instructions for doing so are as follows.

First install the StoreKit and sysdiagnose profiles

Install StoreKit profile to an iOS 11+ device

Please login to the Apple Developer Bug Report - Profiles and Logs website


Click the “Profile” URL associated with the “App Store/iTunes Store for iOS” item. You will download the “itmsdebugging.mobileconfig” file.

Click the “Profile” URL associated with the "sysdiagnose for iOS" item.

Read the instructions for triggering the sysdiagnose profile. Note where to find the sysdiagnose archive once you've sync'd the device with iTunes.


CAPTURE THE DEVICE CONSOLE LOG - connect the device to a macOS X Sierra (or newer) system (macOS X 10.12.x)

1. Launch the Console app and select the device in the left side of the Console window

2. Before starting the iOS app, click “Clear”.

3. Start the application and perform the steps to replicate the problem.

4. When the issue occurs, trigger the sysdiagnose archive. Note the time of the event.

5. save the contents of the Console log. Please verify that the string “fetchSoftwareAddOns” appears in the console log. If this string does not appear, then the profile was either not installed properly or the device was not restarted after the install to the device.

6. Wait 5 minutes after triggering the sysdiagnose archive, then sync the device with iTunes.

7. When the sync is finished, navigate to the location of the sysdiagnose logs

To submit a bug report for investigation by iTunesConnect, please use the Apple Developer Bug Report web page -

After logging in, select the “Other” Product.

Fill out the bug report form. In the description section -

make sure to include the application ID

add the in app purchase identifiers which are failing

attach the console log as well as the sysdiagnose archive which you captured.

Indicate whether the problem is with the sandbox or production version of the app.

Describe what sequence of StoreKit API calls were made.

Note the time of the failure in the description.

By following these instructions, the Bug Report team will be able to expedite the assignment of the bug report to the correct group.

rich kubota -

developer technical support CoreOS/Hardware/MFI

I also have this. But do you know if it will ruin the sandbox account if you fill it out? If you sign in to your sandbox account through the settings, the sandbox account wil (apparently) be converted to a normal account and it can't be used for sandbox purchases anymore. There is no information of this happening, it just happens.

I've checked the health board several times since I started having this erratic behavior and it has been green all along. So I guess it's not really that reliable

It seems very erratic. Sometimes it works the first time I sign in and makes a purchase, then it doesn't work for the next purchase. Are you guys testing on different iOS versions or the newest?

This week we had the same problems. Half of our test purchases are failing to timeouts. Similar connection problems do occure on our backend server when we try to verify sandbox purchases. We tested the purchase with different devices and different iOS versions.

I have same problem. 2 days ago it worked, but now it does not work.

I can not test in-app purchase feature in sandbox environment(TestFlight) before release app.

SKProductsRequest returns an error in sandbox environment.

The error is:

Error Domain=SSErrorDomain Code=109 "Cannot connect to iTunes Store" UserInfo={NSLocalizedDescription=Cannot connect to iTunes Store, SSErrorHTTPStatusCodeKey=404}

Same for me. about 80% of request fail. 2700 tests constantly in failed state with same timeout....

Since yesterday morning is same for me!

From PHP i use, very slow but works.

From iOS in iTunes sandbox , is extremely slow and about 90% of requests fails. Most of times i get:

Error Domain=NSURLErrorDomain Code=-1001 "Imposible conectarse a iTunes Store" UserInfo={NSUnderlyingError=0x1c0647a40 {Error Domain=kCFErrorDomainCFNetwork Code=-1001 "(null)" UserInfo={_kCFStreamErrorCodeKey=-2102, _kCFStreamErrorDomainKey=4}}, NSErrorFailingURLStringKey=, NSErrorFailingURLKey=, _kCFStreamErrorDomainKey=4, _kCFStreamErrorCodeKey=-2102, NSLocalizedDescription=Imposible conectarse a iTunes Store}

Same here. We've been having problems for some time now. Today it has been almost impossible to succeed a purchase in TestFlight beta. Also the iTunes sign in prompt shows in erratic fashion, sometimes in a loop. Sometimes the sign in promp appears even if the tested app is closed. This puts our pipeline pretty much to a halt.

I strongly suggest that you submit bug reports on this matter. I'm one of the few Apple engineers to read this post. If I tell the iTunes team that this is a big issue, they ask - why aren't there bug reports. Upper Apple management prioritizes issues based on the number of bug reports collected for an issue. While my instructions for submitting a bug report above may seem onerous, go ahead and submit a report and include some ping results. If you can capture the console log with the StoreKit profile active, so much the better.

To submit a bug report for investigation by iTunesConnect, please use the Apple Developer Bug Report web page -

After logging in, select the “Other” Product.

Fill out the bug report form. In the description section -

make sure to include the application ID

rich kubota -

developer technical support CoreOS/Hardware/MFI

Thanks for your efforts, rich. But seriously: This is ridiculous! Such a large company like Apple should have anticipated that by itself not by us developers complaining by bug reports! Don‘t you have a monitoring strategy checking the performance of your systems? If I‘d tell my company‘s customers that we wait until enough users of some website complained until we do something they‘d for sure would‘ve not be our customers for long anymore. With Google services I personally never have had such problems!

Same issue for me. After few tries it seems to work well for some time. I thought there is a problem in my code, even I've not changed it

This bug also seems to cause the device to keep requesting for sanbox login. I just reset my iPhone and restored a recent backup and guess what. It wants my password to process some sandbox crap. So the failure is stored into a backup.This bug not only destroys your production line, it also corrupts your device.

I'm ATM unable to create even a bug report because the device just keeps asking for the password for the sanbbox purchases. It looks like there's an endless supply of previously failed purchases in some queue.

iTunes Sandbox Extremely Slow