I have a project to work with BluetoothLE. I try to run the sample code from the 'adafruit/Basic-Chat/BLECentralViewController.swift' from github.
I put the break point 'if central.state == CBManagerState.poweredOn' to this statement. It always said that 'Bluetooth Disabled- Make sure your Bluetooth is turned on'.
System Preference/Bluetooth is 'ON' and I use BT wireless keyboard and mouse.
Mac Mini (Late 2014) OS: 10.13.3
When I debug with XCode, I try to check the status of CBCentralManagerState. Result is CBCentralManagerStateUnknown.
How can I enable the Bluetooth?
Thank you for your assistance and help.
note: I also try the code from Apple Developer 'https://developer.apple.com/library/content/samplecode/HeartRateMonitor/'.
The result is almost the same. 'Bluetooth is not turn on..', to CBCentralManagerStateUnknown
switch ([manager state])
{ case CBCentralManagerStateUnsupported:
state = @"The platform/hardware doesn't support Bluetooth Low Energy.";
case CBCentralManagerStateUnauthorized:
state = @"The app is not authorized to use Bluetooth Low Energy.";
case CBCentralManagerStatePoweredOff:
state = @"Bluetooth is currently powered off.";
case CBCentralManagerStatePoweredOn:
return TRUE;
case CBCentralManagerStateUnknown:
return FALSE;
The following is the code from 'adafruit/Basic-Chat/BLECentralViewController.swift' from github'.
/* Invoked when the central manager’s state is updated.
This is where we kick off the scan if Bluetooth is turned on.
func centralManagerDidUpdateState(_ central: CBCentralManager) {
if central.state == CBManagerState.poweredOn {
// We will just handle it the easy way here: if Bluetooth is on, proceed...start scan!
print("Bluetooth Enabled")
} else {
//If Bluetooth is off, display a UI alert message saying "Bluetooth is not enable" and "Make sure that your bluetooth is turned on"
print("Bluetooth Disabled- Make sure your Bluetooth is turned on")
let alertVC = UIAlertController(title: "Bluetooth is not enabled", message: "Make sure that your bluetooth is turned on", preferredStyle: UIAlertControllerStyle.alert)
let action = UIAlertAction(title: "ok", style: UIAlertActionStyle.default, handler: { (action: UIAlertAction) -> Void in
self.dismiss(animated: true, completion: nil)
self.present(alertVC, animated: true, completion: nil)