How to register an iOS device with a free developer account?


I am new to ios development. On the internet I have found tutorials how to create a free (restricted) developer account however in this tutorials there are different descriptions how to register an iOS device with the acount in xcode in order to install apps that I develop.

Is there any official tutorial from apple how to do this?

Or can some member of Apple staff confirm that this tutorial work for Xcode version 9.2, please?

Thanks in advance



That link is for an earlier version Xcode, and thus, outdated instructions. I am not aware of a fully documented process from Apple.

See this thread [how i can have free Developer Program ] with an already moderated link that explains Xcode's current free provisioning process (with screenshots) - be sure to read all the way thru it and any updates at the bottom when you get there.

Good luck.



How to register an iOS device with a free developer account?