iOS presents old app name in push notification

Hi, everybody.

We found a problem with apple push notification system alerts. Old version of our app used key CFBundleName from Info.plist as a title of the application.

Recently we needed to change the app's title because of the owner of app had been changed. We didn't want to change bundle name and decided to add a key CFBundleDisplayName to Info.plist. Updating the application through Testflight we have an application with new title (CFBundleDisplayName from Info.plist) but APNS alerts are presented with old app name until rebooting the device. Is it bug of iOS? We checked this issue on ios 9-11 and have the same situation.

Same problem for me.

Same problem here.

Same. Any solutions?

When installing without the previously installed app - all ok and app name in push notification is right, but if you update the app - the app name in push notification is old. It could be fixed only by relaunching the device(it's cached somehow), developers you could relax it's not your bug, it's Apple... So Apple...

+1 same issue 😢

Did you check what the Product Name is in Targets > Building Settings > Packaging?

Same Problem in 2023.

@apple doesn't know?

iOS presents old app name in push notification