Xcode not responding

My xcode keep loading after updating to Version 9.3 (9E145) I can work for 3o minutes, I have to force quit it each time it stops responding

Should try to relaod and reinstall.

Have you enough memory, enough disk space available ?

Same thing happened to me! I tried to re-install but not solve the problem.

+ Enough memory - enough disk space.

Do you open an existing project ?

Does it occur with a new project as well ?

Did anyone find a solution to this?

Been having the same problem for a few weeks now and have tried all kinds of solutions posted in Stackoverlfow and this forum but nothing seems to solve the problem. Xcode just locks up, I have no spikes in CPU (never seems to get over 30%) nor in memory. Also I notice that somehow it is infecting other applications, have observed Safari, mail and Notes locking up in "sympathy".

This is extremely anoying... anyone have a solution?

Please, I'm having this same problem with my Xcode 10 version. Started with Xcode 9.3 and now updated to Xcode 10 and the problem persists. it's very frustrating. I'm having 405.73 Gb memory on my Mac, about only 5% of my memory used. I uninstalled and reinstalled the Xcode many times but still the same problem. My mac is up to date and I'm on High Sierra latest version. I went to the app store to check if there are any compatibility requirements my mac isn't satisfying but couldn't find any. please if you've been able to solve this problem kindly explain how. And the apple company should do something about it. Thanks!

Please, I'm having this same problem with my Xcode 10 version. Started with Xcode 9.3 and now updated to Xcode 10 and the problem persists. it's very frustrating. I'm having 405.73 Gb memory on my Mac, about only 5% of my memory used. I uninstalled and reinstalled the Xcode many times but still the same problem. My mac is up to date and I'm on High Sierra latest version. I went to the app store to check if there are any compatibility requirements my mac isn't satisfying but couldn't find any. please if you've been able to solve this problem kindly explain how. And the apple company should do something about it. Thanks!

I have the same problem with Xcode 10.1 and I use macOS Mojave.

I'm having 250 Gb memory on my Mac, about only 166 GB of my memory is available. I uninstalled and reinstalled the Xcode many times but still the same problem.

please if you've been able to solve this problem kindly explain how. And the apple company should do something about it. Thanks!

I started to use Xcode from version 8 about two years ago, and never have such a problem until two days ago, which began to slow down when I compile my project and suddenly got worth, now it stalls! So I searched the web and uninstalled and installed it, and the problem not fixed, I reinstalled Mojave, and still the same thing. My problem is with compile time, on design and coding it works fine, but when I compile, it slows down and not dies!

Does anyone in Apple even care about this?!!!

MacBook Pro (Late 2013)

Display: 15-Inches (2880 x 1800)

Display 2: LG 24UD58 - 24-inch (3840 x 2160)

CPU: 2.6 GHz Intel Core i7

HDD: 512 SSD (158.12 GB Free Space)

RAM: 16 GB 1600 MHz DDR3

OS: Mojave 10.14.3

Graphics: NVIDIA GeForce GT 750M 2048 MB

Intel Iris Pro 1536 MB

I have the same problem with Xcode in the last 30 minites the Activity monitor has recorded over 30 'Recent Hangs' making a total of over 73 for the day, I have been working for only about 3 hours using Xcode amd most of the time is spent waiting for Xcode to launch my app,

The app I am developing just has a single view controller and displayes some text,

Xcode version is Version 10.1(106B1)

I have never had a problem with Xcode in many years,but lately it has been terrible when "launching" apps to the Simulator

Similar trouble here. Existing iOS apps, existing Xcode install 10.2.1 existing Macbook Pro. No obvious changes, yet Xcode regular shows spinning rainbow wheel, "Not Responding" in activity monitor and Force Quit dialog. I can force quit and restart to get a few seconds or minutes of work done, or wait (again a few seconds or minutes....) seems no rhyme nor reason to the freezing - just painfully slow going at trying to get work done ;-(
I hope someone figures out the problem and helps us out.

Have you checked how much RAM available ?

Thanks for helping troubleshoot, Claude31! I have 16GB with just over 11GB used when the issue happens. Also 1TB storage with about half used. I don't think it's a resource problem. Any other ideas?

Not sure if it helps anyone else this issue, but the problem seems worse (or perhaps limited to) times that I'm running an iOS + watchKit extention app on an iPhone + Apple Watch. I've tried removing/adding the devices (iPhone + watch) and only using wired connection (iPhone only, of course) but the freeze still happens.
Anyone else having this issue notice it connected to Apple Wach being in the equation?

Did someone solved this issue? I found out that it may be related with storyboard with many view controllers. When I do a build and run the Mac got stalled and I must force restart it. If decrease the number of view controllers in the storyboard the issue disappears. I have a powerful MacBook Pro 15 mid 2014 that is very fast with all the programs I run. What’s the problem here?

I have same problem. Restarting Xcode constantly. I think its related to Apple Watch development. I dont have this problem with my iOS only projects as soon as I start working on WatchOS project, Xcode hangs every 5-10 minutes and it has many problems as in almost impossible to connect with my Apple Watch.

I am also having the same issue. I have uninstalled and reinstalled (which itself takes far too long) - only to be met with a 'hang' as soon as I try to open XCode.

Any idea's, anyone...?

I faced the same problem and I used CleanMyMac App to remove Xcode Junk and it works again. This link helped me.

In steps:
I deleted the Xcode from Applications

I run from Terminal

defaults delete com.apple.dt.Xcode

delete all Xcode caches from path <User>/Library/Caches

I used the program CleanMyMac to remove all Xcode related files

Something unexpected WORKED:

Simply unpair the paired device in Window -> Devices and Simulators.

That worked for some reason, although Xcode was getting stuck when not building to the device or, for that matter, not even building at all but just editing code.

Not sure if you have the same problem as I had, but it took me two days and trying everything I found online and nothing was working. So hopefully that works for you too as I know how frustrating it is.
Unparing a networked iPhone in devices and simulators worked for me too.

Same problem with Xcode 13.beta.2 on MBP 2018 i5 8GB 256GB.

Some projects are working fine (one, that have been struggling from spm resolution so I couldn't build it on Xcode 12.5, works perfectly on Xcode 13+), but the one I'm paid for is not responding at all after package resolution (sometimes it crashes, sometimes just not responding), the same is valid for all my colleagues 🤡

Removing devices and simulators doesn't help.

I have facing same issue any find solution so help me please

Doesn't look like an answer has been provided on this! I've been going through the same issues, and I think I found the solution (or a solution for some at least):

This was what really solved it for me 100%: I had iCloud sharing enabled for my desktop, which makes your whole desktop synced with the Cloud all the time (if you have Cloud services from Apple), so I disabled that:

click the Apple logo > System Settings > Yourself > iCloud > iCloud Drive > Turn off Desktop and Documents Folder. It might take some time for it to unload and such, but for me now not only is everything on my desktop fast again (I have all my developer files on my desktop), but now Xcode is super fast and everything works with zero crashing.

My thought is that when I tried to create a new project and it asynchronously was trying to open for the first time AND upload to the Cloud, well, it seems was just giving up before it even started.

Hope that helps!

I was working inside the folder /Desktop/project/mobileapp AND my iCloud Sync was open. Then I cloned the project and started working inside folder ~/Projects/mobileapp which is not synced with iCloud Sync. Everything works well for me now. I suggest you to check for whether your project folder is auto-synced or not.

Dont worry guys, it is still an issue even with M3 Max MacBook Pro 😞 I had restarted Xcode and MacBook so many times and it still would not open. So frustrating when I barely have any apps open. Really regretting this purchase now when it's supposed to not give me any headaches for years since this is their best chip

hi hi, same here on M1, any solutions available from Apple, please

Xcode not responding