Hi, when I run my app, in console say:
NSBundle file:///System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/MetalTools.framework/ principal class is nil because all fallbacks have failed
RSS for tagRender advanced 3D graphics and perform data-parallel computations using graphics processors using Metal.
I'm writing a swift app that uses metal to render textures to the main view. I currently use a NSViewRepresentable to place a MTKView into the window and a MTKViewDelegate to perform the metal operations. It's running well and I see my metal view being updated.
However, when I close the window (either through the user clicking the close button or by programatically using the appropriate @Environment(\.dismissWindow) private var dismissWindow) and then reopen the window, I no longer receive calls to MTKViewDelegate draw(in mtkView: MTView). If I manually call the MTKView::draw() function my view updates it's content as expected, so it seems to be still be correctly setup / alive.
As best as I can tell the CVDisplayLink created by MTKView is no longer active (or at least that's my understanding of how the MTKView::draw() function is called).
I've setup the MTKView like this
let mtkView = MTKView()
mtkView.delegate = context.coordinator // My custom delegate
mtkView.device = context.coordinator.device // The default metal device
mtkView.preferredFramesPerSecond = 60
mtkView.enableSetNeedsDisplay = false
mtkView.isPaused = false
which I was hoping would call the draw function at 60fps while the view is visible.
I've also verified the values don't change while running.
Does anyone have any ideas on how I could restart the CVDisplayLink or anyother methods to avoid this problem??
Hi, wanted to test if possible to use Mesa3D Dozen driver(Vulkan on D3D12 )+D3DMetal 2b3 to get maybe better Vulkan driver on Wine than default MoltenVK.. this will support Vulkan windows apps via using D3D12Metal..
using vulkan_dzn.dll,dzn_icd.x86_64.json,dxil.dll from x64 folder from: https://github.com/pal1000/mesa-dist-win/releases/download/24.3.0-rc1/mesa3d-24.3.0-rc1-release-msvc.7z
using simple vulkaninfo app and running like:
wine64 vulkaninfo
I get error:
[D3DMetal:LOG:2A825] Unsupported API: CheckFeatureSupport, unhandled support query 53
also seems D3DMetal Wine integration on Whisky doesn't expose d3d12core.dll and d3d12.dll like new Agility D3D12 dlls or VKD3D, so
MESA: error: Failed to retrieve D3D12GetInterface MESA: error: Failed to load DXCore
but anyways seems to try to load the driver as:
WARNING: dzn is not a conformant Vulkan implementation, testing use only.
full log:
MESA: error: Failed to retrieve D3D12GetInterface MESA: error: Failed to load DXCore WARNING: dzn is not a conformant Vulkan implementation, testing use only. [D3DMetal:LOG:2A825] Unsupported API: CheckFeatureSupport, unhandled support query 53 00bc:fixme:dcomp:DCompositionCreateDevice 0000000000000000, {c37ea93a-e7aa-450d-b16f-9746cb0407f3}, 000000000011E328. MESA: error: Failed to load DXCore WARNING: dzn is not a conformant Vulkan implementation, testing use only. [D3DMetal:LOG:2A825] Unsupported API: CheckFeatureSupport, unhandled support query 53 00bc:fixme:dcomp:DCompositionCreateDevice 0000000000000000, {c37ea93a-e7aa-450d-b16f-9746cb0407f3}, 000000000011E578. ERROR: [Loader Message] Code 0 : setup_loader_term_phys_devs: Call to 'vkEnumeratePhysicalDevices' in ICD c:\windows\system32\.\vulkan_dzn.dll failed with error code -3 ERROR: [Loader Message] Code 0 : setup_loader_term_phys_devs: Failed to detect any valid GPUs in the current config ERROR at C:\j\msdk0\build\Khronos-Tools\repo\vulkaninfo\vulkaninfo.h:241:vkEnumeratePhysicalDevices failed with ERROR_INITIALIZATION_FAILED
I have multiple CAMetalLayers that I render content to and noticed that the graphics overview HUD does not function properly when I have more than one CAMetalLayer. The values reported will be very strange. For example, FPS may report 999 or some large negative value. It the HUD simply not designed to work with multiple CAMetalLayers or MTKViews? When I disable all but one of my CAMetalLayers, the HUD works as expected.
I want to turn off my ray-tracing conditionally. There's is_null_acceleration_structure but when I don't bind an acceleration structure (or pass nil to setFragmentAccelerationStructure), I get the following API validation error:
-[MTLDebugRenderCommandEncoder validateCommonDrawErrors:]:5782: failed assertion `Draw Errors Validation
Fragment Function(vol_deferred_lighting): missing instanceAccelerationStructure binding at index 6 for accelerationStructure[0].
I can turn off API validation and it works, but it seems like I should be able to use nil for the acceleration structure w/o triggering a validation error. Seems like a bug, right?
I suppose I can work around this by creating a separate pipeline with the ray-tracing disabled via a function constant instead of using is_null_acceleration_structure.
(Can we get a ray-tracing tag for questions?)
It’s great that we’ll be able to use Metal custom renderers in passthrough mode on visionOS.
This is a lot of complicated set-up, however. It’s also unclear how occlusion and custom algorithms / raytracing will work in tandem with scene understanding. May we have a project template and/or sample? Preferably with the C api and not just swift. This would be much-appreciated and helpful to everyone who wants this set-up. I’d like to see the whole process.
Thank you for introducing this feature!
I would like to take YCbCr CVPixelBuffers from AVCaptureVideoDataOutput, apply some processing in RGB space, render to an MTKView, and pass to AVAssetWriter for recording.
Right now, I'm doing this all manually – deswing the incoming data if necessary, choose the right matrix to convert to RGB, apply processing, etc. I also have to convert back to YCbCr before feeding the frames to AVAssetWriter because encoding performs much better if I do. Is there any efficient, built-in way to achieve the same?
I can't use AVCaptureVideoPreviewLayer, since I need to do some further processing before display. I can't use AVCaptureVideoDataOutput's videoSettings to get automatic BGRA conversion because that would lose bit depth for 10 bit video formats (and isn't available on all formats anyway).
I see these Accelerate functions, but they seemingly don't use the GPU, nor do they support all the formats and bit depths I'd need.
I found reference to some undocumented MTLPixelFormats that seem to do exactly what I want, but I don't want to rely on something like this unless it's explicitly endorsed. This would also incur an RGB/YCbCr conversion on every texture read and write, right?
Is there anything I'm missing here?
Ever since the release of iOS18, we've been seeing a new crash related to calling jpegData(compressionQuality:). From reports, this isn't crashing during foreground usage of the app, but instead will prompt the user about a background app crash upon foregrounding. The stacks from crash reports show this crash is happening from a variety of callers, but all go through jpegData(compressionQuality:), down through [HDRImageConverter_Metal init] and end up in apthread_mutex_local call when it crashes.
Attached is a sample crash report from 18.2(22C5125e), but we've been seeing this since the first iOS18 release.
Did something change with around these calls in iOS18 that prohibits their use in the background?
I've noticed a major third-party app has the following flag set to 1/true in its Info.plist: CAMetalLayerWantsCompositingDependencies
Does anyone know if it’s recognized by Core Animation / Metal, and what it’s supposed to do? It might obviously have zero relationship to the OS, defined by that app and for that app... but since it looks very much like an unofficial/undocumented environment setting, it might be great to know what problem it solves. I happen to have issues related to compositing other CALayers over a CAMetalLayer in my app... so this definitely stood out as interesting.
Thank you!
How to define and call an inline function in Metal? Or simple function that will return some value.
inline uint index4D(constant _4D& shape,
constant uint& n,
constant uint& c,
constant uint& h,
constant uint& w) {
return n * shape.C * shape.H * shape.W + c * shape.H * shape.W + h * shape.W + w;
When I call it in my kernel function I get No matching function for call error.
Thx in advance.
We are experimenting with Metal to accelerate some peculiar numerical computation. Our workloads are relatively small, so the ability to avoid moving data to and from the GPU's memory is very appealing. However, we are observing higher overhead compared to CUDA, which negates the benefits of avoiding data transfer.
In our tests using an empty kernel, CUDA completes in 0.001 ms (Intel i7 10700K, RTX 3080), while Metal's waitUntilCompleted takes 0.12 ms (M2 Max). As we do not have prior experience with Metal, we are wondering if we are using the APIs just fine and this timing is expected, or if there is a way to reduce it.
Thank you in advance for any comment!
This exact question was already asked in this forum (8 years ago) but I can't find a definitive answer:
Does Metal allow using the same color texture as both an input and output (color attachment) of a fragment shader? Is the behavior defined somewhere?
I believe this results in undefined behavior under both DirectX and OpenGL, so I'd assume the same for Metal, but then why doesn't Metal warn me about this as it does on some many other "misconfigurations"? It also seems to work correctly in my case, as I found out by accident.
Would love to get a clarification!
Thanks ahead!
I'm experiencing a strange issue where I'm seeing black in a metal drawable where it should be a different color. When I capture the frame and inspect the returned value from the fragment function, it's correct, but the drawable isn't.
This screenshot hopefully illustrates the issue.
I've not found any references to similar issues. I saw something about some out of bounds or NaN values being dropped to 0 (which would be black), but the debugger doesn't indicate this is happening.
I am looking to implement CAMetalDisplayLink on a separate thread on a macOS application. I am basing my implementation on the following example project:
Achieving Smooth Frame Rates with Metal Display Link
This project allows you to configure whether a separate thread is used for rendering by setting RENDER_ON_MAIN_THREAD in GameConfig to 0. However, when I set it to use a separate thread nothing is rendered. Stepping through the code shows that a separate thread is created, but a CAMetalDisplayLinkUpdate is never received. Does anyone know why this does not work?
Hi everyone,
I encountered a very strange shader bug that seems related to Metal only (not OpenGL).
You can find the full description of the issue on the Babylon.js forums here: https://forum.babylonjs.com/t/strange-shader-related-issue-on-macos-with-safari-and-chrome-not-firefox/54289 (sorry, I couldn't post a clickable link here as this seems to be blocked here).
I have a workaround to fix the issue (as described in the link above), but this really looks like an issue in Metal itself.
Let me know if you need more details or explanations.
First I get this
ar_world_tracking_provider_query_device_anchor_at_timestamp <0x302b9c0a0>: The device_anchor can only be queried when the world tracking provider is running.
This seemed to all break with the auto-update to 2.0.1. Simulator runs the code fine.
I seem to see an infinite stall here
// Pace frames by waiting for the optimal prediction time.
try await LayerRenderer.Clock().sleep(until: timing.optimalInputTime, tolerance: nil)
// Start submitting the updated frame.
frameLayer.startSubmission() <-
I've been working with ARKit and Metal on the Vision Pro, but I've encountered a slight flickering issue with the mesh rendered using Metal. The flickering tends to occur around the edges of objects or on pixels with high color contrast, and it becomes more noticeable as the distance increases. Is there any way to resolve this issue?
Is there anywhere that the format of error/warning/other? messages that are generated by the Metal compiler are documented?
Hey guys,
is it possible to implement mirror like reflections like in this project:
for visionOS? Or is the hardware not prepared for Metal Raytracing?
Thanks in advance
I do not understand much at all about how to write shaders
I do not understand the math associated with page-curl effects
I am trying to:
implement a page-curl shader for use on SwiftUI views.
I've lifted a shader from HIROKI IKEUCHI that I believe they lifted from a non-metal shader resource online, and I'm trying to digest it.
One thing I want to do is to paint the "underside" of the view with a given color and maintain the transparency of rounded corners when they are flipped over.
So, if an underside pixel is "clear" then I want to sample the pixel at that position on the original layer instead of the "curl effect" pixel.
There are two comments in the shader below where I check the alpha, and underside flags, and paint the color red as a debug test.
The shader gives this result:
The outside of those rounded corners is appropriately red and the white border pixels are detected as "not-clear". But the "inner" portion of the border is... mistakingly red?
I don't get it. Any help would be appreciated. I feel tapped out and I don't have any IRL resources I can ask.
// PageCurl.metal
// ShaderDemo3
// Created by HIROKI IKEUCHI on 2023/10/17.
#include <metal_stdlib>
#include <SwiftUI/SwiftUI_Metal.h>
using namespace metal;
#define pi float(3.14159265359)
#define blue half4(0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0)
#define red half4(1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0)
#define radius float(0.4)
// そのピクセルの色を返す
[[ stitchable ]] half4 pageCurl
float2 _position,
SwiftUI::Layer layer,
float4 bounds,
float2 _clickedPoint,
float2 _mouseCursor
) {
half4 undersideColor = half4(0.5, 0.5, 1.0, 1.0);
float2 originalPosition = _position;
// y座標の補正
float2 position = float2(_position.x, bounds.w - _position.y);
float2 clickedPoint = float2(_clickedPoint.x, bounds.w - _clickedPoint.y);
float2 mouseCursor = float2(_mouseCursor.x, bounds.w - _mouseCursor.y);
float aspect = bounds.z / bounds.w;
float2 uv = position * float2(aspect, 1.) / bounds.zw;
float2 mouse = mouseCursor.xy * float2(aspect, 1.) / bounds.zw;
float2 mouseDir = normalize(abs(clickedPoint.xy) - mouseCursor.xy);
float2 origin = clamp(mouse - mouseDir * mouse.x / mouseDir.x, 0., 1.);
float mouseDist = clamp(length(mouse - origin)
+ (aspect - (abs(clickedPoint.x) / bounds.z) * aspect) / mouseDir.x, 0., aspect / mouseDir.x);
if (mouseDir.x < 0.)
mouseDist = distance(mouse, origin);
float proj = dot(uv - origin, mouseDir);
float dist = proj - mouseDist;
float2 linePoint = uv - dist * mouseDir;
half4 pixel = layer.sample(position);
if (dist > radius)
pixel = half4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0); // background behind curling layer (note: 0.0 opacity)
pixel.rgb *= pow(clamp(dist - radius, 0., 1.) * 1.5, .2);
else if (dist >= 0.0)
// map to cylinder point
float theta = asin(dist / radius);
float2 p2 = linePoint + mouseDir * (pi - theta) * radius;
float2 p1 = linePoint + mouseDir * theta * radius;
bool underside = (p2.x <= aspect && p2.y <= 1. && p2.x > 0. && p2.y > 0.);
uv = underside ? p2 : p1;
uv = float2(uv.x, 1.0 - uv.y); // invert y
pixel = layer.sample(uv * float2(1. / aspect, 1.) * float2(bounds[2], bounds[3])); // ME<----
if (underside && pixel.a == 0.0) { //<---- PIXEL.A IS 0.0 WHYYYYY
pixel = red;
// Commented out while debugging alpha issues
// if (underside && pixel.a == 0.0) {
// pixel = layer.sample(originalPosition);
// } else if (underside) {
// pixel = undersideColor; // underside
// }
// Shadow the pixel being returned
pixel.rgb *= pow(clamp((radius - dist) / radius, 0., 1.), .2);
float2 p = linePoint + mouseDir * (abs(dist) + pi * radius);
bool underside = (p.x <= aspect && p.y <= 1. && p.x > 0. && p.y > 0.);
uv = underside ? p : uv;
uv = float2(uv.x, 1.0 - uv.y); // invert y
pixel = layer.sample(uv * float2(1. / aspect, 1.) * float2(bounds[2], bounds[3])); // ME
if (underside && pixel.a == 0.0) { //<---- PIXEL.A IS 0.0 WHYYYYY
pixel = red;
// Commented out while debugging alpha issues
// if (underside && pixel.a == 0.0) {
// // If the new underside pixel is clear, we should sample the original image's pixel.
// pixel = layer.sample(originalPosition);
// } else if (underside) {
// pixel = undersideColor;
// }
return pixel;