Pedal to the Metal

Metal is the foundation for accelerated graphics and compute on Apple platforms, enabling apps and games to tap into the incredible power of Apple GPUs.

Harness Apple GPUs with Metal

Discover the capabilities of the Apple GPU and find out how to apply its tile-based deferred rendering (TBDR) architecture to an array of modern rendering techniques with Metal.

Harness Apple GPUs with Metal

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Optimize Metal apps and games with GPU counters

GPU counters can help you precisely measure GPU utilization to pinpoint bottlenecks and optimize workloads for your Metal apps and games.

Optimize Metal apps and games with GPU counters

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Build GPU binaries with Metal

Power up your shader pipeline with the new Metal shader compilation model and learn about binary archives, dynamic libraries, and the offline toolchain.

Build GPU binaries with Metal

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Debug GPU-side errors in Metal

Track down even the trickiest GPU-side programming errors with enhanced command buffer error reporting and shader validation.

Debug GPU-side errors in Metal

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Gain insights into your Metal app with Xcode 12

Learn how to locate graphics issues in minutes and improve memory usage, bandwidth, and performance with Metal’s debugging and performance optimization tools in Xcode 12.

Gain insights into your Metal app with Xcode 12

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Bring your Metal app to Apple Silicon Macs

And see how to prepare Metal apps for the next generation of Macs by watching "Bring your Metal app to Apple Silicon Macs” and "Optimize Metal Performance for Apple Silicon Macs.”

Apple silicon and the Mac

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Ray tracing and function pointers in Metal

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The game developer’s toolkit

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