Creating Custom Instruments
Understand how custom instruments are useful and when they should be used. Get an in-depth view of the architecture of custom instruments and how to create them. Understand the attributes of a good instrument. Dive into advanced modeling and how to use the CLIPS language.
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Alright, good morning. My name is Chad Woolf. I am a performance tools engineer here at Apple and today's session 410. We're going to talk about creating custom instruments in Instruments 10. Today's session looks like this. We're going to talk a little bit about why you might want to create custom instruments. We're going to go over the architecture of Instruments. And we have a lot of content today, so we have three sections: Getting Started, Intermediate, and Advanced. And then on the way out, we'll talk about some best practices, some of the things we've learned along the way, writing instruments on our own. So the first one, why would you want to create custom instruments? Instruments already ships with a lot of really powerful tools, for example here we have System Trace where you can see how your application is interacting with the scheduler and the virtual memory.
We have a new game performance template this year that combines System Trace and Metal System Trace to help you spot glitches and missed frames in your application. And if you're on the network portion of your application, we also have the Network Connections Instrument, which can show you TCP/IP traffic coming in and out of your app. And then, of course, a lot of you are familiar with the Time Profiler. Time Profiler is a great way to see where your application is spending its time, whether that be the networking layer or the game engine or some other portion.
Now the common thing here is that these are all very useful if you know the code that you're profiling, right. So if you know those IP addresses, you know what those mean, and you know what the different functions mean and the call stack of the Time Profiler, it makes it a lot easier. But what if someone is profiling your application and they're not familiar with their code, right? What if they just want to see is the application spending a lot of time in the networking layer, and, if so, what is it doing? Well, a good use for a custom instrument would be to try to tell the story of what your layer or what your application is doing in a way that someone who doesn't understand the code can understand and appreciate it.
Now in the advanced section, we're going to show you how to take advantage of the Expert System Technology that built inside of Instruments so that you can create an instrument that's actually able to look for bad patterns and spot anti-patterns in your code even if you're not there.
Alright, so let's take a look at the architecture that makes this possible. And to do that, we're going to have to start here, back at the beginning. So in the beginning, Instruments works about the same as it does today. There's still a library. You still drag instruments out and drop them into your trace document and then you press Record and it's like running a bunch of performance tools at once. Now the major difference between then and now is that back then the infrastructure of Instruments didn't really do a lot to help us write instruments quickly. And at the time, that was okay because we had already inherited quite a few assets and performance tools that we already had. They all had their own recording technology and their own analysis logic and all we had to do was build a custom storage mechanism to get the data in the trace and a custom UI to help integrate it with the rest of the app. Now over time, the maintenance costs of Instruments and maintaining this model shot up. And the reason for that was every time we wanted to add a new feature we had to modify seven custom UIs and seven custom storage mechanisms and that's not the model we wanted you guys to inherent. We didn't want you to inherit this kind of maintenance costs. So before we even talked about doing a custom Instruments' feature, we needed to solve that first and I think we did. So in the new version of Instruments, instead of having custom UIs and custom storage mechanisms, we have two standardized components and that's the Standard UI and the Analysis Core. Now the Standard UI is what implements the entire user interface of a modern Instrument and it's tightly coupled with the Analysis Core. The Analysis Core you can think of as a bit of a combination between a database and an expert system. And the two these are optimized to work on time series data, which makes them a great foundation for building instruments. Now when you build an instrument with the modern architecture, really what you're doing is essentially creating a custom configuration of both the Standard UI and the Analysis Core.
Now if you look at some of the screenshots of the powerful instruments that I showed in beginning, we have the System Trace and we have the Game Performance template and the Network Connections template and Time Profiler. All of the instruments in all of those documents were built completely out of the Standard UI and the Analysis Core. So you can do the exact same things that they can do. And in Xcode 10 and in Instruments 10, we're giving you the exact same tools to build your instruments. So the only difference between an instrument that ships with Xcode and one that you build is just simply who built it. Now your instruments will show up here in our library and you can see like Activity Monitor at the top. Just like that, you can drag and drop your instrument into a trace document and take a recording. And what happens here is the Instruments fills in the Analysis Core with data and the Standard UI reacts to create the graphs and the table views.
Now Instrument has two ways of showing data. It's got the graph view at the top here, which we call a track view, and an instrument can define more than one graph, if it would like to.
And the way that you choose between the graphs that will define your instrument is there's a small control here attached to the Instrument icon and we can change this from say CPU to Networking.
Now each graph is allowed to define a certain number of lanes. So here we've defined three lanes, graphing three different types of CPU utilization. And each one of these lanes is bound to a different table in the Analysis Core or it can be bound to the same table but you're looking at a different column in the table.
Now the other portion of the instrument is the lower portion, which is equally as important. It's called the Detail View. And that's where you can see the event-by-event lists and also any sort of aggregations and summaries of your data. Now just like the lanes, oh, I'm sorry, just like the graphs, you can define a number of details for your instrument and you can select which detail is active by clicking this portion of the jump bar and then selecting the title of detail that you define.
Now just like the lanes in the graph, all of the details are bound to again a table in the Analysis Core and that's where they receive the data. The recording happens. The tables fill in. And UI reacts and there's no special code needed on your behalf. Now from the perspective of the Standard UI, everything in the Analysis Core appears to be a table. So let's talk a little bit about tables and what they are.
Tables are collections of rows and they have a structure that's defined by a table schema. Right, so it's very similar to a database application. The schema defines the columns and the names of the columns and also the types. Now the Analysis Core uses a very rich typing system called an engineering type and that both tells us how to store the data and also how to visualize it and analyze it in the Standard UI.
Now in addition to or while the schema describes the structure of a table, you can use attributes which are key/value pairs to describe the content. So that kind of helps us describe what goes into the table. You can think of schemas as like a class in Objective-C or Swift whereas the rows are like the instances. And so it's important that your schema names are singular, just like we have class names in Objective-C that are singular, like NSString instead of strings. So this will be more important when we get to the advanced section but I wanted to call it out now so we can know what we're looking at. Okay, an example of the schema here is tick. This is one of schemas that comes inside of Instruments and it's used to hold a table of synthetic clock ticks that we'll use later for statistical computations in our modelers. Now it is very simple. It has one column that's defined and that's time and it's using the engineering type sample-time. And it also defines an optional attribute that can be attached to that table instance called frequency. So if you create a table with a frequency equals 10 attribute here for our tick schema, then the provider of that data knows that it needs to fill that table with ten timestamps per second, right. So that's a way to communicate what you want filled into the table.
Now with that, I think we have enough information to help us get started. So we're going to show you how to create your own Instruments package project in Xcode and we're going to show you how to create your very first instrument that graphs these ticks and shows these ticks in the detail view. And to do that, I would like to call up my colleague Kacper to give you guys a demonstration. Thank you, everyone. Now I will show you how to start with creating and running your first custom instrument.
You're going to be using tick schema presented by Chad to craft instruments during ticks with constant frequency. You will learn how to describe your package, iterate on it using Xcode, and tested in Instruments.
You create your new Instruments packets project just like you used to in Xcode. You go to a New Xcode Project, select macOS platform, and Instruments Package.
You need to fill out your product name, which will become default name for your Instruments Package. Let's call it ticks. Hit Next and Create.
Xcode has created project with package target and one file, package definition. Let's look in to it. Packages are described in XML-based syntax. At the beginning, each package contains identifier, title, and owner. These fields will be visible when someone attempts to install your package.
Usually, you would start by defining your own schema and optionally modeler but because here we are going to be using predefined tick schema, let's remove these guides.
To import tick schema from base package, all you need to do is to specify import schema element and first name of the schema, tick.
Now it's ready to be used by our Instrument.
To make defining more complex elements easier for you, we've deployed a number of snippets in Xcode. To use them, just start writing your element name, like instrument, and hit Return. You need to fill out your unique identifier for Instrument and a few properties that later appear in Instruments Library.
It will be Instrument drawing ticks every 10 milliseconds.
Now it's time to create a table that will be instantiated when this instrument is dropped from library to a trace document.
Table identifier has to be unique within this instrument definition. Let's call it tick table. In schema-ref, we need to reference schema that we previously imported, tick. Now we need to define what will appear in view and detail view for our instrument. I will use graph element. We need to fill out title for our graph. I will call it ticks. And title for our lane. I need to reference table by identifier that was previously created here, so I will reference tick table.
And now we will specify plotting for our graph.
I will use plot element. And in its most basic form, it requires you only to pass mnemonic of the column that contains value to be graphed. We will be graphing time. :11 I would like all of my timestamps to be visible in a table. To do this, I will use list element.
We pass title for a list that will appear in the of Instrument, table ref, just like for lane element before, and columns that we would like to see.
Now our package is ready to be built, and run in Instruments.
To do this, you will use Xcode scheme run action.
You can see that build error appears. You have full ID support when building instruments packages. Here, error appears in line and says that column timestamp could not be found in schema tick. Oh, that's right, because it's not timestamp. It's supposed to be time. I will fix it and run it again. You can see it running because this new copy of Instruments to appear. You can recognize the special copy by having different icon.
It loads your package temporally only for this run session. It allows you to iterate on your package more easily. To be sure that your package is already loaded, we can check it out in New Package Management UI. You can find it in Instruments Preferences and Packages . You can see our newly created package here along debug batch, which means that it's loaded only temporarily. You see also all of the system packages here. You can use and link against them using subtitle, visible here. Our ticks package contains ticks instrument. So let's test it now using blank template. I will switch my target to my MacBook and we'll search for my instrument in Instruments Library. I will fill the ticks and it appears here with all of the properties being filled out from the package definition. Let's drag and drop it into a trace and record for just a second.
You can see the bottom pane was propagated with data generated every 10 milliseconds.
Detail and graph are coordinated with each other. When I click on rows, you can see inspection head moving here.
I can also zoom into a graph using Option and Click and Drag. Here you can see the ticks are indeed being drawn.
That's how you create your first Instruments Package. Now back to Chad who will tell you more about Standard UI. Alright. Thank you, Kacper. Okay, so we've seen how to create a very basic instrument. We see how to get started with creating your first project in Xcode. Now let's talk about the different kind of graphs that we have and the different kind of details we have and how we can potentially do this with real data.
So you saw how Kacper was able to define a graph and a lane using what we call the plot element. Now the plot element is a way to tell the Standard UI that we should be taking the entire contents of the table and trying to plot it in that particular lane. Now the way that the plot element determines how to graph this, what the graphing treatment should be, is by looking at both the schema and the column that was targeted to take the value from. If the schema is an interval schema, meaning that it has a time and a duration, or if it's a point schema, which means it just as a timestamp, they're treated differently. And if the column being targeted has a magnitude, meaning that it can draw a bar graph out of it, it will draw a bar graph like this. An alternative here is our Life Cycle lane where it's still an interval schema but we're targeting a column that's a state and the state does not inherently have a magnitude. So it doesn't make sense to draw a bar graph there. So the Standard UI will automatically pick a state style treatment which involves drawing these intervals with a label in a rounded rectangle style so you can tell it apart from just a flat bar graph. Now it's really important that the Standard UI be able to pick these treatments for you because that's what keeps Instruments UI consistent. So if you define a state graph and we define a state graph, the Standard UI will enforce that they look the same way, which makes it a lot easier for user of Instruments to move from instrument to instrument. Now if you want to create graphs or the number of lanes dynamically, based on the contents of the data, you can define what's called a plot template. Now a plot template is defined very similarly to a plot except there's an extra element in there that allows you to choose a column in the table and it will create a separate row for each unique value in that column.
Now if you're looking for just spikes or periods of activity, we have what's called a histogram and what you can do is break the timeline over certain size buckets, let's say 100 milliseconds, and then use functions like count or sum or min or max to sort of drive up the magnitude of those buckets as the different points or intervals are intersecting. So it's a great way to look for spikes in activity such as here in the System Trace where we're looking for spikes of activity in context switches or virtual memory. Now let's talk about details. Details are on the lower half of the UI.
And you've already seen the first one, which is the List. That's very simple mapping between the Table and Analysis Core and a table view in the UI. We also have aggregations. And aggregations are nice when you want to try to subtract out the time component and you want to look at your data in aggregate. You want to apply some statistics to everything that's in that table. And so when we define an aggregation, what we're doing is the columns this time are now functions. So you can use functions like sum, average, count, and several other statistical functions to help you create the aggregation view that you want to create.
Now the nice part about aggregations is that you can define a hierarchy as well. So here we've defined a process thread in virtual memory operation hierarchy, so we can see these totals broken down by the process and then by each thread that's in that process and then by each type of operation that's in that thread, in that process. So aggregation is a really nice, powerful way to look at a lot of data in summary.
Now another type of aggregation is called Call Tree.
Now the Call Tree is useful when you have a column that is a backtrace and you got another column that's a weight. You can create weighted backtrace or a weighted Call Tree view using the Call Tree like you see in Time Profiler.
Now another style is called a narrative. And the narrative is used when you want to convey information that's just best left to technical language, such as the output of an expert system and that works hand-in-hand with the narrative engineering type.
Now the last type of detail here is called a time slice. The time slice looks very much like a list except the contents are filtered to include only the intervals that intersect with that blue line you see on the graph. That's called the inspection head. So as you move the inspection head over the graph, the contents of the list will be filtered to match what intersects with that inspection head.
Now all of these UIs are bound to tables in the Analysis Core. And when you hit Record, the data comes in through the Instruments app and fills in the data in the Analysis Core. So let's talk a little bit more about how that process works.
The first step before you can press Record is the Analysis Core will be taking the tables that are created within it and it'll be mapping it and allocating storage for it in the core. Now if a table has the exact same schema and the exact same attributes, then by definition it's the exact same data, so it's going to map to the exact same store.
Now for each store, the second step is to try to find a provider for the data. Now sometimes we can record that directly from the target through the data stream and sometimes we have to synthesize the data using a modeler.
Now modelers can require their own inputs and those inputs can be the outputs of other modelers or they can be recorded directly from the data stream and that's how we synthesize the rest of the data that we don't know how to directly record.
Now once we've got data sources for all of the stores in the Analysis Core, that's what's called the binding solution. And so the third step is to optimize the binding solution. And here you see Instruments is visualizing its own binding solution for what we call the thread narrative.
Now the next part about the binding solution is that it's trace-wide and so as you're dragging and dropping instruments into the trace, Instruments is computing the best possible recording solution to try to minimize the recording impact on the target. Now when you create your own tables or when you create table instances, you have to give them a schema. And Instruments already has over 100 schemas defined. And all of these schemas are available to you and are contained in the packages that you saw in the Package Management UI. You can just simply import the schema into your own package. Now if that schema is contained in a package that's not the base package, you have to also link that package as a build setting in Xcode for Linked Instruments Packages that you can set so that we can find that extra package that you're referring to at build time and do some type checking.
Now because all of these schemas are defined in other packages when you hit Record, all the tables with those schemas will fill in because they either have modelers defined or we know how to record it from the data stream. So these make excellent building blocks for your own instruments but even better they make excellent inputs for writing your own modelers. Now you write a modeler or you define a modeler in your Instruments Package with the modeler element and you can also create a custom output schema for that modeler. You can use the point-schema for just a single point in time or you can use the interval schema if you have a point and a duration. Now the modeler is able to define what inputs it needs and this is what tells the binding solution how to fill out the rest of that data flow graph. And so your modeler will snap right into the binding solution. Now modelers are actually miniature expert systems and they are written in the Clips language, which means that they're very powerful but they're also pretty advanced. So we're going to save the details on how to create modelers for the advanced section; however, it is really important that you be able to define your own schemas and we have a new os signpost API this year, which is a great way to get data into Instruments. So we've created a little bit of a shortcut.
Inside your package, you can define what's called an os signpost interval schema and what that does is both define schema and also give us enough instructions to be able to generate a modeler on your behalf. Now inside there, you can capture the data that you recorded in the metadata of your os signpost calls and you can use that captured metadata and expressions to define how we should fill out the columns of your schema.
So we'll look at a really simple example.
Let's say we're going to do JSON decoding and we have a signpost that we mark the beginning of that decoding activity and the end of that decoding activity. And in the beginning, we'll also capture some metadata to indicate the size of the JSON object that we're about to try to parse.
Now in your Instruments Package definition, you can create an os signpost interval schema and you define the name of your schema here. You select which signpost you would like to have recorded, including the signpost name, and then here you can use a syntax to capture the different pieces of metadata from your start metadata message. And here, we're going to take that captured value and we're going to use that as the expression to teach us how to fill in the column for data size that we just defined in line here.
Now in Session 405, which is Measuring Performance Using Logging, I demonstrated the Trailblazer application and also showed you an instrument that you guys could write based on the signpost inside that. And now that we know a lot more about how to write custom instruments, I'd like to invite Kacper back on stage to give you a demonstration and walk-through of how we created that package. :15 Thank you, Chad.
So Trailblazer app is an iOS app that displays lists of popular hiking trails near you. As an UI component, UI table View.
Each cell loads image for a trail asynchronously.
To prevent glitches and as an optimization when cell is reused, we cancel the download.
To visualize my flow of downloads, I wrap every download in os signpost call. Let's take a look at it.
When my cell is displayed, start Image download method is called. We create downloader signpost ID, which takes os log handle and downloader object. We then grab address of UI table View cell and call os signpost begin with os log which is coming from signpost.networking. Let's take a look at it. This log takes our app identifier as subsystem and networking as category.
We pass background image name, previously created signpost ID and message format, which includes image name.
Here, we wrap it in public specifier because it's a string and caller, which is address of a cell.
Our download could complete in two ways, successfully. Let's take a look at it now. When it completes like that, delegate method it's called.
We create signpost ID just like before and call OS signpost end.
This time we pass status and size.
Value for status is completed.
And size is set to the image size. Next let's take a look at our prepare for use overwrite. When there's running downloader in progress, we cancel it.
We create signpost ID and call our signpost end with the same format string but now value is canceled and size is zero because download didn't succeed. Let's take a look at our os signpost interval schema definition and how we captured those signpost end package.
We define our signpost interval schema with unique identifier and title. Then we define our subsystem and category, which corresponds to the one that we passed when creating os log handle.
We create name element, which corresponds to the one that we passed in os signpost call and start pattern and end pattern. These both correspond to the one that we passed in os signpost begin and end calls.
Message element is the same as the format string you passed but instead of format arguments, you pass variables here to capture the values that you passed when calling os signpost. Let's take a look at how we fill out those values in our columns.
Here, you can see status column. It's type of string because it's either completed or canceled, and we fill it out with the value of status variable.
Because expression element could take arbitrary Clips expression, we could also do more sophisticated things in it. Here, we could compute event impact by looking at size. If it's greater than 3 and 1/2 megabytes, we say that impact is high, else impact of operation is low.
That's our definition for os signpost interval schema. Now let's take a look at table creation.
For schema ref, we pass identifier of our os signpost interval schema and create unique identifier for this specific table.
Then, we can reference it in our UI definitions.
For graph, we create a single lane.
It takes our table and this time it graphs by using the plot template. Plot template is dynamic way of creating graphs. It looks at the table, at the column that was passed in instance by element and for each unique value of this column, it creates plot. Label format element allows us to create format title for this plot. Here it's img column and the value from image name column. We pass image name as a value of our plot.
Each of our planes will be colored with column of impact and label on our plane will be taken from image size.
Next, we have a list. You already saw this one in ticks example.
Here, we pass all of the columns that you would like to see. Next, aggregation.
This aggregation will track all of the completed downloads. Because our table contains both completed and canceled downloads, we need to apply slice element to filter some of the data.
In slice element we specify column that slice will be applied on and predicate value that has to be matched. Here, we want to take only completed rows from this table.
We define hierarchy, which is only one level hierarchy with image name and columns that will be visible. For each image name, we will specify count and image size. So we will be summing sizes of an image. Next, we have image, time slice, sorry. We specify all of the columns that will be visible.
And to use our instrument more easily, we can specify our custom template. Now let's try and build, and run our package.
You can see the template appears here. I can choose it, and target my iPhone and Trailblazer app.
I will record for just a while.
You can see that track view was propagated with data.
Each plot was created for each image name.
You can see that label format matches the one that we passed in package definition.
And if download is higher rather than 3 and 1/2 megabytes, our plane is colored in red.
Size appears on the plane. Next, we can take a look at all of the details.
Firstly, we have list downloads. This is just a list of all the downloads that happened. We can choose our aggregation, which divides all of the downloads by image name. You can see that it on top we downloaded 12 images. And image for location seven was downloaded two times. Next, we can take a look at active requests. Here, you can see that when I'm grabbing my inspection head, data in detail view changes. We can track multiple active requests and see what was the duration at the time of current inspection head.
If you would like to take a look at your data from different perspective, you would like to take a look at your stores and modelers, we give you this by using the Instrument inspector.
This is a way to debug your custom instruments. Here, you can see that I selected Stores step and I see store for os signpost being created. It looks at networking category and com apple trailblazer subsystem and we gather 24 rows here.
Then, we can see our created table image download, which has 12 rows.
In bottom area, you see whole content of this table.
Next, we can jump to modelers and we can see that we have auto-generated os log modeler here. It took 24 rows and outputted 12 rows.
On the right, you can see binding solution here. So our generated os log modeler took data from os signpost table and put it into image download table.
Then it was consumed by our instrument. So that's how you capture your os signpost invocations, create UI, and look at your data using Instrument inspector. Now let's go back to Chad who will tell you more about advanced modeling. Alright. Thank you, Kacper.
Okay, so now we've seen how you can combine os signpost data with custom instruments. And we think that you'll be able to take this, I think you'll be able to take these two, this combination pretty far. Now, we can talk about some of the advanced topics, specifically how you create and define modelers.
Now a modeler conceptually is very simple machine. It takes a series of inputs. It does some reasoning over those inputs and produces outputs.
The inputs of the modelers are always perfectly time ordered and so if you request several different input tables, those tables are first time ordered and then merged into a time-ordered queue, which feeds the working memory. So as we pull these events off one by one, they're entered into what's called the working memory of the modeler. And as the modeler sees the evolution of this working memory, it can draw inference. And when it sees a pattern that it wants to produce an output for, it simply writes it to its outbound output tables. Let's walk over like a really kind of playful example of how you might use a modeler. So let's say you define a schema called playing with matches, right. This is an os signpost interval schema and it's for an os signpost that you've defined where you're going to do some sort of dangerous operation in your code. And we define another schema called app on fire, right. It's also a signpost schema but these signposts mean that the application has entered into a bad state and we really want to know why.
So you create an output schema, which is a point schema, that's going to hold the object that was playing with matches and the time at which the fire started. We are going to call that the started a fire schema. Now the modeler's world looks like this. So we have all of our inputs set up in time order ready to go and this dashed line on the left is what's called the modeler's clock.
Now when we grab the first input and we enter that into the working memory, the modeler's clock moves to the start of that interval and then we grab the next input, the modeler's clock again moves to the beginning of that interval and we enter that into the working memory. Now the modeler sees both of these in the working memory and it can see that if playing with matches started before the app is on fire, it doesn't really make much difference, if it's the other way around, it's already on fire, then we can draw a logical conclusion here called the cause of fire and we can enter that into the working memory.
Now as we grab this third input, you'll notice that the modeler clock has moved and it no longer intersects with our first two inputs. And so those are removed from the working memory. Now if the cause of fire had what's called logical support, it would also be removed from memory. Now to recap, the clock is always set to the current input timestamp. And for an input to remain in the working memory, it must intersect with the current clock in the modeler. This is what helps us establish coincidence. It allows us to prune out the old data and it also allows us to see if there are inputs that are possibly correlated in time. Now the way that a modeler reasons about its working memory is defined by you through what's called a production system.
Production systems work on facts in the working memory and they're defined by rules that have a left-hand side, a production operator, and the right-hand side. The left-hand side is a pattern in working memory that has to occur to activate the rule and the right-hand side are the actions that will happen when that rule fires. Now the actions could include adding a row to an output table or include asserting a new fact into the working memory as the modeling process progresses.
So facts come from two sources. One, they're from the table inputs that you saw, so will automatically assert these as facts using the rules that I showed you with the modeling clock, and they can also be produced by assertions from the right-hand side of a production.
Now if you're going to create your own facts, Clips allows you to find what's called a fact template, which allows you to provide structure to your fact and do some basic type checking. So let's take a look at some rules in Clips. Our first rule that we're going to look at is called found cause.
And what that says is if there is an object who's playing with matches at t1, and the app is on fire at t2, and t1 happened before t2, then on the right-hand side of this production, we can assert a new fact called cause of fire with the object that started the fire. Now that will be entered into the working memory.
Now we come down to our second rule, which is called record a cause, if we have an app on fire at some start time and we know the cause of the fire and we have a table that's bound to our append side, that's the output side of the modeler, and that table happens to be the schema that we define called started a fire, then we can create a row in that table and then set the time and who started the fire to the values that we captured up here in the pattern. Now with that, we basically created our very first expert system to look for bad patterns in our application with these two rules.
Now you may have noticed that the rules were prepended by either modeler or recorder. Those are what are called modules in Clips and they allow you to both group rules but also control the execution order of the rules. So for example, if you kept all of your output, all of the rules that produced output the output tables in the recorder module, then you can be sure that you won't write an output while you're in the middle of the reasoning process in modeler because all the rules in modeler have to execute before any of the rules in recorder can actually execute.
Now I mentioned the term before logical support. What logical support is usually tied to what are called peer inference rules and those are rules that you say, well, if A and B, then C. Right. So by adding logical support to your production, what you're saying is if A and B are no longer present in working memory, then C should automatically be retracted. So what we're saying is C is logically supported by the existence of A and B. Now this is important because it limits working memory bloat which helps with resource consumption but it's also important to remove facts from working memory that are no longer valid. And if A and B are no longer valid, then you should really remove C. So to add logical support to your production, your rule here, you just wrap the pattern with the keyword logical and then anything you assert on the right-hand side of the rule will be automatically retracted when these move forward. And you'll notice these two rules, I'm sorry, these two facts here are the names that come from our schema. So those are inputs and so when the modeler's clock move forward, those will automatically be retracted.
Okay, so now we know the basics of how to create a modeler in our package and we've seen some of the Clips language and rules. So let's take a look and see if we can add an expert system to our networking instrument to find bad patterns and potential misuses in our networking layer. And to do that, I'd like to invite Kacper up for one last demo. So now with the existing logging, I will try to write modeler to detect some anti-patterns in our app networking behavior. I was playing with my Trailblazer app and it seemed that if I'm scrolling pretty fast, there are some glitches visible here. So image is replaced multiple times, so I suspect that our cancel doesn't really work.
I would like to write modeler that detects that.
So let's take a look in our package definition. We will start by writing modeler element. Modeler has identifier, title, and purpose.
These fields will be extracted to your documentation.
We specify production system path which contains all of the logic for our modeler.
Then, we define output of our modeler. It will be downloader narrative schema. Required input for our modeler will be os signpost table. This table contains begin and end events.
Now let's take a look at definition for downloader narrative schema.
This is point schema that defines two columns, timestamp which tracks the time of logging that diagnostic message and description that has information about what's gone wrong.
Then, we can create this table in our instrument definition. We pass downloader narrative schema ref and unique identifier.
Then, we could use it in our narrative element definition.
Here, we define narrative. We pass table ref for the table we previously created, define time column, and narrative column. Now we are ready to define logic for our modeler.
To do this, I will create file that I previously referenced in modeler definition. To create Clips file, you go to File, New, select macOS platform, Other section, and Clips file.
I will fill out the name and create. So algorithm for detecting whether one cell is doing more than one request at a time will be as follows. We'll be tracking every request as a fact in working memory. Firstly, we need to create template for this fact.
So every fact will be storing time, caller address, which is cell address, signpost id that we captured, and the image name that we are requesting. We will call this fact started download.
Then, you'll write modeler rule that creates this fact in working memory.
This rule looks at os signpost table. We specify subsystem, name, and event type begin and we capture all of the information that we want to have. So we capture image name, caller address, time, and signpost identifier. Then, we assert new fact to working memory.
To clean it up after download finishes, we need to retract this fact from working memory.
Here, we are looking at the same table but we are looking at only event of type end.
We capture identifier of the signpost. And here, we are using the fact that signpost begin and end has to have the same identifier.
We are looking in working memory for a fact that has a signpost identifier that we captured and retract this fact.
Then, we can write our recorder rule that will generate all of the narrative data.
This recorder rule looks at all of the started download facts and captures them. We captured time, caller address, and image name.
If that's true and there is another started download which has the same caller address, you can notice that variables referenced here are the same and happened before the first fact.
We notice that there is some anti-pattern and there is overlap in our request.
We can then check whether we have access to downloader narrative schema, create new row in it, set time column to the time of the first fact, and set your narrative description. You'll output some information about the problem so that someone could debug it later. Now I can run Instrument against our app. Let's run it again.
Choose Trailblazer Networking in template again, and record. I will try to perform some fast scrolling here and take a look at my narrative table.
You can see that narrative table contains lots of diagnostic messages being outputted.
So we can see that there are some problems and we can later investigate it.
You can see that narrative is interactive detail. You could for example check all of the arguments being passed and you can filter. So we can add this caller address as a detail filter and have this detail filter.
Now, let's back to Chad who will tell you more about some best practices when developing instruments.
Alright. Thank you, Kacper. So we've seen how we can create some basic expert systems in Instruments. Alright, so let's talk about some best practices that we've learned along the way. And the first one is to write more than one instrument. Now I don't mean get practice writing instruments. What I mean is that if you own an instrument already and you want to add some features to it, sometimes it's really tempting to just add them, add extra graphs or details to your instrument, but you should really be thinking, you know, can this be its own instrument. And the reason for that is if you create finer-grained instruments, you give the users of Instruments a lot more choices. They can drag just the instruments that they want out of the library and that will minimize the recording impact on the target. If you focus on one instrument with lots of features, it's kind of like an all-or-nothing proposal there.
Now, if you want to create a combination of instruments that are going to be targeted at a certain problem, you want to see all these instruments used together at the same time, rather, then what you can do is create your own custom template like we did for the networking. And so what you do to get that started on that is create a document, drag the instruments in the way that you want to see them, configure them, go to File and then say, "save as template." And then you can use that template inside your package using the element that Kacper had added to our Networking Template. So writing with more than one instrument is a lot better way to use tool.
The second one is immediate mode is hard. Immediate mode refers to the recording mode of Instruments where we're visualizing the data as it's coming in, in near real-time, and the reason it's hard, well there's really two reasons it's hard. The first one is it requires some additional support that as much as we wanted to cover today, we just couldn't. We just didn't have the time. And so we're going to be working on the documentation for that. But the second reason, and this is the more important reason, is that, well it's interval data, right. So intervals can't be entered into the tables in the Analysis Core until they're closed, meaning that we've seen both the begin and the end. And so when you're looking at a recording live, you have a bunch of what are called open intervals. Now if your modelers require these as inputs, which is totally feasible, then what you'll notice is that if there's an open interval upstream, well all of the modeler clocks downstream have to stop until that interval is closed because remember, the modeler's vision is all in time order. So it can't move that clock forward until all those intervals upstream have closed. So if you have some intervals that have a long run, what you'll notice is that the output of your modeler appears to stop. And when the user hits the stop recording button, well then all open intervals close and everything processes as normal and the data fills in. But that's not a great user experience. So if you hit that, you have one of two options. The first one is to opt your instruments out of immediate mode support and you can do that by adding a limitation element to your instrument and the second is to move off the interval data as input to your modeler, just like we did in our demonstration here for our expert system. We were actually using the os signpost point events rather than using the intervals.
So I know we make it look easy but immediate mode is a little tricky to implement. And then third, one of the things that's really important if you're creating instruments that are going to be targeting high volumes of input data is that the last five-second recording mode is by far the most efficient. Now the way you switch that is in the recording options of your trace document, you'll see that you have a choice between immediate, deferred, and this last end seconds mode. That is going to be a lot more efficient because what it allows the recording technology to do is use buffering to improve performance so that it's not trying to feed the data to Instruments in real time. Now this can have a profound effect and it can have a huge effect on signpost data where it can be up to ten times faster inside five-second mode. Now of course the trade-off is that you're only seeing the last five seconds of data but for instruments that produce high volumes of data, that's usually a good thing. So this is the common mode for a System Trace and a Metal System Trace and Game Performance template. And if you're targeting one of those kinds of applications, I would also opt your instrument out of supporting immediate mode just so that your user experience is not terrible or Instruments gets way behind on trying to get the data or you run into that problem with the intervals.
That is the end of the session. So we did a lot of work here to create the Instruments feature and we're really, really excited that we were able to get it out to you guys this year. And so we can't wait to see what you guys are able to accomplish with it. So if you'd like to see us and talk to us about custom instruments, we have a lab in lab eight today at 3:00 and also Session 405 goes over in detail how to use os signpost API which is a great way to get data into Instruments. So enjoy the rest of the conference. [ Applause ]
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