




Reply to Swift share extension not working on device
Hello! Please help resolve the issue. Faced the problem of lack of access to the object that was shared through UICloudSharingController. Access works on devices with different AppleID where the application is installed via XCode. But when publishing the application in AppStore, access does not work. Please let me know how to fix this problem?
Topic: Programming Languages SubTopic: Swift Tags:
Mar ’23
Reply to Having issues authorizing payment for Apple Developer Program
Chose IOS platform to develop my application. Spent a year on training and development. At the final stage of development, I try to pay for a developer account in the Apple Developer Program to no avail. Tried 5 cards in 3 banks. Each time an order for an annual subscription in the Apple Developer Program hangs for 2 days with the Registration completed status, then the status changes to Canceled. Banks: Sberbank, Modulbank, Tinkoff do not see the payment request. At the moment I am in shock that this happens in our days and you need to fight to get your money accepted. If I had been told this a year ago that Apple can arrange such problems for its developers out of the blue, I would not have believed it. Does anyone have any idea where and for what reasons the failure occurs? Or Apple deliberately arranges a natural selection of developers, and only those who can break the built security system pass?
Nov ’20