




Enable service worker selectively
In my app, I have several WKWebViews. The WKWebViews communicate to javascript by installing userscripts. Now one of those webviews, wants to enable support for service workers, which is not required in the other instances of WKWebView. So what I thought, is that I only enable in this WKWebView instance the service worker, which sets limitsNavigationsToAppBoundDomains in its WKWebViewConfiguration to true. And so the service worker is enabled and works fine and also my WKUserScript works fine. In the other WKWebView instances I thought, that I would simply set limitsNavigationsToAppBoundDomains to false and the service worker would be disabled and WKAppBound domains from the Info.plist would be ignored. Unfortunately my WKUserScript now stopped working. :-( How can I achieve that? Does the presence of WKAppBound domains in the Info.plist mean, that I MUST set limitsNavigationsToAppBoundDomains to true for my WKUserScript to work? Or am I on the completely wrong track? Any help is greatly appreciated, because I am pretty much stuck with this issue and I need to solve it, because the limitation to 10 domains from WKAppBoundDomains carries the risk to break the webview. In that webview payment is provided and the payment provider might at any time change dependencies to another domain (as happened recently, which broke the payment page) Best regards Alex
Mar ’24
Xcode Server no longer supported?
From the release notes of Xcode 14: "Xcode Server is no longer supported. (73888675)" I haven't read or heard that being mentioned somewhere else. Does anybody knows, what that means for Xcode Server users? What is the plan to support corporations, which can not share the code to other companies and thus can not use Xcode Cloud for testing. ...or the ones, that just can't (or do not want to) afford Xcode Cloud? Are we off to other CI/CD solutions?
Jun ’22
Universal links to the same domain
Hi all, how do you handle the case to have a link on one webpage of your own domain, which shall open your own app using an universal link defined on the same domain. According to the docs Universal Links on the same domain do NOT open in the app. I do understand the reason, but I am asking myself, how to best handle the case, where my client does indeed want to link from his own web page to his own app. How do others handle such a request? Isn't that a very common request from clients? Thanks for any good advice
Nov ’21
Hello devs, is there any way I can Decorate the use scrollEdgeAppearance for the UITabBar appearance so that it compiles in Xcode 13 AND in Xcode 12? First thing I tried was: if #available(iOS 15.0, *) { UITabBar.appearance().scrollEdgeAppearance } But that breaks compilation in Xcode 12.5.1 :-( I can not use: if #available(swift 5.5) as that is not supported. I would really like to be able to use Xcode 13, without requiring the whole team to upgrade and especially the "team members", which diligently build all kinds of projects automatically at night time. I can not update them yet, as compiling with Xcode 13 breaks some apps, which is exactly why I need to use the new scrollEdgeAppearance for UITabBar appearance. Is there any solution to this problem? Thanks for help
Nov ’21
Remote Repository Identifier Key
Hi all, I can not find information on how the above key is created. First things first: Xcode generates xcscmblueprint files in order to describe a repository. I haven't found a way to create such a file, nor have I found information how the: DVTSourceControlWorkspaceBlueprintRemoteRepositoryIdentifierKey (That's its "full name") is created. It is an ID, which seems to describe the Repository URL, as the ID is always the same for a given repository. As of now, I haven't found a way of creating that identifier, other than creating an archive of the app and dig into the .xcarchive to get at the .xcscmblueprint file with that identifier. The reason I need the identifier is that I want to automatically create Xcode Server bots. It must be somehow derived from the URL, but I can't figure out how. Thanks in advance for any info
Jul ’21