Xcode Server

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Xcode Server controls server-side bots that continuously build, analyze, test, and even archive your Xcode projects.

Posts under Xcode Server tag

44 Posts
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Xcode quit working
When I try to open Xcode, it tries to open the previous windows and load up the project I was last working on, but I can’t create a new project without opening Xcode, and I can’t do that; it just quits and gives me an Xcode quit unexpectedly, and it still happens when I download earlier versions of Xcode from the Apple developer website and the latest from the App Store, and I even when in Finder and tried to open my project that way, and it just does the same thing. I have tried everything, and I mean everything. I even reinstalled macOS, and it worked for a minute until it tried to open my project and then quit again and is doing the same thing.
Problema con SPM y pods en xcode 16 y macos sequoia 15.1.1
When I try to install packages through spm it doesn't find the packages.swift file, and with pods I have problems with Foundation. Trying to install Firebase shows that many pods have issues with double quotes. I don't know if it's my PC using everything updated or what, but I'm having a lot of problems and I haven't been able to reconcile my first application. I don't want to give up, and I would like some advice, since you have managed it, I would appreciate some help. I have followed tutorials, cases of people with similar problems, but it always throws some error. My pc is mac m1
Dec ’24
Missing iOS 18.1 Developer Disk Image in Xcode 16.1 Device Support
Hi everyone, I'm encountering an issue while working with my iPhone running iOS 18.1.1 and Xcode 16.1. I need to run tests on my physical device using idb (Facebook's iOS Device Bridge). However, I'm unable to proceed because the required Developer Disk Image (DDI) for iOS 18.1 is not present in Xcode's DeviceSupport directory. Here's what I've tried so far: Verified that I have the latest version of Xcode (16.1) installed: xcodebuild -version outputs: Xcode 16.1 Build version 16B40 Checked the contents of /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/iPhoneOS.platform/DeviceSupport, and the highest iOS version available is 16.4. There is no folder for 18.1. Tried using idb to interact with my device, but it fails with the error: The best match /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/iPhoneOS.platform/DeviceSupport/16.1/DeveloperDiskImage.dmg: 16.1 is not suitable for 18.1 I understand that the DDI for each iOS version is critical for debugging and testing on physical devices. I've explored potential workarounds, including downloading the iOS 18.1 restore image, but I haven't been able to resolve the issue. Questions: Does Xcode 16.1 officially support the iOS 18.1 Developer Disk Image? If not, is there an official way to download and add the missing DDI to DeviceSupport? Could creating a sample app in Xcode targeting iOS 18.1 trigger the download of the required DDI? I'd appreciate any advice or guidance from the community or Apple team. If there's a known resolution or an official source for missing DDIs, please let me know. Thank you in advance for your help!
Nov ’24
Send UDP Protocol is not working in Xcode 16 iOS18
func setupUDPSocket() { stopSearch() udpSocket = GCDAsyncUdpSocket(delegate: self, delegateQueue: DispatchQueue.main) do { try udpSocket?.bind(toPort: 4012) try udpSocket?.beginReceiving() try udpSocket?.joinMulticastGroup("") } catch let error { DispatchQueue.main.async { print(Thread.current) print(error) print(error) } } } private func search() { guard let udpSocket = udpSocket else { print("not set udpSocket") stopSearch() return } let message = "M-SEARCH * HTTP/1.1\r\n" + "HOST:\r\n" + "MAN: \"ssdp:discover\"\r\n" + "MX: 3\r\n" + "ST: ssdp:all\r\n" + "\r\n" let data = message.data(using: .utf8)! udpSocket.send(data, toHost: "", port: 1900, withTimeout: -1, tag: 0) } This is my send SSDP code, my project was inited in Objective-C, recently I update xcode to 16, I get Error Domain=NSPOSIXErrorDomain Code=65 "No route to host", when I send UPD data in iOS 18, but iOS 17 is ok. Even I found, if I init a new project in Swift, this bug is disappear.
Nov ’24
iOS18 webView Client not authorized
Error launching process, description '未能完成操作。(com.apple.extensionKit.errorDomain错误2。)', reason '' GPU process (0x129000ab0) took 3.3203 seconds to launch WebContent process (0x1280180c0) took 5.3785 seconds to launch Failed to create extensionProcess for extension 'com.apple.WebKit.Networking' error: Error Domain=com.apple.extensionKit.errorDomain Code=2 "(null)" UserInfo={NSUnderlyingError=0x302e21b60 {Error Domain=RBSServiceErrorDomain Code=1 "Client not authorized" UserInfo={NSLocalizedFailureReason=Client not authorized, RBSPermanent=false}}}
Oct ’24
How to Load Stereoscopic Video Using AVFoundation?
I’m currently working on an iOS project that involves loading and playing stereoscopic/spatial videos. I’m using the AVFoundation framework, specifically AVURLAsset, but I’m having trouble determining how to correctly load and handle stereoscopic videos. I would like to know: Any guidance or code snippets would be greatly appreciated, I´m not understanding pretty well the apple developer videos... Thank you in advance for your help! Best, Lau
Oct ’24
"Build failed" with developement team already signed
Hello everyone! I’m new to this forum and have never designed an app before. I’ve used Unity and Xcode. When I launch the build in Xcode, it always replies “Build Failed.” I’ll explain the problem and attach some screenshots. The app I’m trying to launch comes from the Unity platform (version 2022.3.46f1) + Vuforia for augmented reality. Everything works well on this platform (I’ve already checked it); I export the project into a specially created folder after clicking on “Build”; I open the project in Xcode version 16.0 (I downloaded this application a few days ago); I connect my iPhone and my Apple ID by going to “Xcode” > “Settings” and linking my account; to connect my iPhone, I go to “Window” > “Devices and Simulators” and link everything; then I go to “Targets” > “Unity iPhone” and check in the “General” and “Signing and Capabilities” sections to ensure everything is correct; I then change the development team name to my account “MARCO ARICO” (previously activated on Apple Developer with an already paid annual subscription) and check that the “Bundle Identifier” is the same as the one I entered in Unity under “Player” > “Other Settings.” At this point, I send the Build, and after a few moments, it says “Build Failed” with this error: “/Users/albertodanielemanzo/Desktop/Unity/App_7/Unity-iPhone.xcodeproj Signing for 'Unity-iPhone' requires a development team. Select a development team in the Signing & Capabilities editor.” I would like to add that the Mac I’m using belongs to a friend who specifically lent it to me to launch this app, and all the steps I took are based on in-depth research from YouTube tutorials and official Unity and Xcode forums. The computer I’m using is a MacBook Air with macOS Sonoma 14.6.1, which belongs to my friend who lent it to me. All subscriptions are under my name. My username is the same as the development team name (Development Team); the subscription I have with Apple is individual, as are my downloaded certificates for app development. I have already addressed the issue with Apple Developer support, and they advised me to write on this forum.
Oct ’24
"Build Failed" su Xcode con Developement Team già inserito
Buongiorno a tutti! Sono nuovo su questo Forum e non ho mai progettato una app prima d'ora. Ho usato Unity e Xcode. Su Xcode lancio la build, ma mi replica sempre "Build Failed". Adesso spiego il problema e allego degli screen. L'app che sto cercando di lanciare viene dalla piattaforma Unity (versione 2022.3.46f1)+Vuforia per realtà aumentata. Su questa piattaforma funziona tutto (ho già avuto modo di ricontrollare); esporto il progetto nella cartella appositamente creata dopo aver cliccato su "Build"; apro il progetto su Xcode versione 16.0 (questa applicazione l'ho scaricata qualche giorno fa); collego il mio iPhone e il mio ID Apple andando su "Xcode" > "Settings" e collego il mio account; per collegare il mio iPhone vado su "Window" > "Devices and Simulators" e collego il tutto; dopodichè vado su "Targets" > "Unity iPhone" e controllo nelle sezioni "General" e "Signing and Capabilities" che tutto vada bene; modifico quindi il nome del team di sviluppo e metto il mio account "MARCO ARICO" (preventivamente attivato su Apple Developer con abbonamento annuale già pagato) e controllo che il "Bundle Identifier" sia lo stesso che ho inserito su Unity nella sezione "Player" > "Other Settings"; a questo punto mando la Build e mi dice dopo pochi istanti "Build Failed" con questo errore: "/Users/albertodanielemanzo/Desktop/Unity/App_7/Unity-iPhone.xcodeproj Signing for "Unity-iPhone" requires a development team. Select a development team in the Signing & Capabilities editor." Mi permetto di aggiungere che il Mac che sto usando è di un mio amico che me l'ha appositamente prestato per lanciare questa app e che tutti i passaggi che ho fatto sono frutto di approfondimento su tutorial YouTube e forum ufficiali di Unity e Xcode. Il pc che sto usando è un MacBook Air con macOS Sonoma 14.6.1 di un mio amico che me lo ha prestato. Tutti gli abbonamenti li ho fatti a nome mio. Il mio nome utente è lo stesso nome del team di sviluppo (Developement Team); l'abbonamento che ho stretto con Apple è di tipo individuale come sono miei i certificati scaricati per lo sviluppo dell'app. Ho già affrontato il problema con l'assistenza telefonica di Apple Developer e mi hanno consigliato di scrivere su questo Forum.
Oct ’24
xcode 16 ios 18.0 simulator download failed
I installed xcode 16 and both Predictive Code Completion Model and iOS 18.0 Simulator Failed Download. I can live without the code completion, but I can not get any Simulator to install. I clicked of the info button and it shows the following: Download failed. Domain: DVTDownloadableErrorDomain Code: 41 User Info: { DVTErrorCreationDateKey = "2024-09-30 15:57:24 +0000"; } Download failed. Domain: DVTDownloadableErrorDomain Code: 41 Failed fetching catalog for assetType (com.apple.MobileAsset.iOSSimulatorRuntime), serverParameters ({ RequestedBuild = 22A3351; }) Domain: DVTDownloadsUtilitiesErrorDomain Code: -1 Download failed as the server said authentication failed. (Catalog download for com.apple.MobileAsset.iOSSimulatorRuntime) Domain: com.apple.MobileAssetError.Download Code: 41 User Info: { checkServer = 1; } System Information macOS Version 15.0 (Build 24A335) Xcode 16.0 (23051) (Build 16A242d) Timestamp: 2024-09-30T10:57:24-05:00
Sep ’24
Xcode 16 Overheating issue on an M1 Pro
I’m using Xcode 16 on an M1 Pro and experiencing overheating issues. It seems like Apple rushed the release without addressing glitches that cause the laptop to overheat, which can directly affect battery life, decreasing its performance and, in turn, lowering the value of the Mac. I really dislike this from Apple. We pay a lot for their products, and issues like these devalue them.
Sep ’24
Unable to export App via Jenkins pipeline
Hi Team, Exporting the archive through the Jenkins pipeline (executing commands on a Mac EC2 instance as a Jenkins agent) isn't working, while exporting directly from the Mac terminal successfully generates the IPA file. What might be the cause? When we execute it on directly Mac terminal, it asks Keychain password first time & after that it automatically generates IPA file. Note : We are using below working command to open keychain access. security unlock-keychain -p "my_password" /Users/ec2-user/Library/Keychains/login.keychain-db Export command : xcodebuild -exportArchive -archivePath $PWD/build/Archive/MyApp.xcarchive -exportPath $PWD/build/IPA -exportOptionsPlist ../../Dev_exportOptions.plist -allowProvisioningUpdates Current details: Node version : node-v18.17.0-darwin-arm64 Npm version : 9.6.7 Ionic version : 5.2.6 Xcode version : 15.4 Macos : Sonoma 14.6.1
Sep ’24
Xcode 16.0 got Assertion failed when build my project
After upgrading to Xcode 16.0, I encountered the following error when building my project. It compiled successfully on Xcode 15 or Xcode 16 with -ld64. I am not sure how to resolve this issue and would appreciate any help. Here is the error message Assertion failed: ((ct == Atom::ContentType::objcConst) || (ct == Atom::ContentType::objcData) || (ct == Atom::ContentType::constData) || (ct == Atom::ContentType::constText)), function ObjCClassReadOnlyDataRef, file Atom.cpp, line 3022.
Sep ’24
There was an error processing your request. Please try again later
Hello everyone, on August 31st, all the apps in my personal developer account were suddenly expired and deleted, I have not received any response from Apple. My apps are in compliance with Apple's policies. I then uploaded a new version and sent it to the review team, but I received the following error "There was an error processing your request. Please try again later." I have contacted Apple via Email and Phone but no one cares about my problem. Has anyone had the same situation as me, I am really worried.
Sep ’24