




Reality Composer Pro timelines management, but using code
Is it possible to manage the behavior of timeline totally from code? I am exploring the Compose interactive 3D content in Reality Composer Pro sample project after seeing the related video, but the example shows only the use of Behaviors from RCP to activate timelines actions. I was wondering if it is possible to, somehow, retrieve some kind of timeline controller that allows me access to its informations just like the AnimationPlaybackController does with single animations. What I would like to achieve is being able to play/pause/retrieve timestamp from them in order to allow synchronization between different users on SharePlay
Oct ’24
Synchronize 3D object animation inside a volume with SharePlay
I have been experimenting some experiences in which I would like to use SharePlay to allow the app to be used by multiple users. Currently I achieved sharing a volume containing a Reality Composer Pro scene inside of it, the scene contains some entities with an animation. So far I have been able to correctly share the volume and its content, with the animation playing without problems, but once I activate SharePlay different users see different moments of the animation if no animation at all. Is there a way to synchronize animations between all the users, no matter when someone entered the SharePlay session, aside from communicating the animation time once someone joins?
Oct ’24