




Rotation of child entities in USDZ - how to set rotation origin? i.e. a joint
Hi, I have a series of child entities in a USDZ file that I would like to be able to rotate relative to a joint point between one another. I believe the functionality I am looking for was available in SceneKit with SCNPhysicsHingeJoint. How would I go about replicating this functionality in RealityKit? The current output of a rotation applied is relative to the model origin as a whole. (see below) Thanks! Freddie
Jan ’24
Swift Playgrounds release v4.3
Hello, I believe yesterday Apple released the following: v4.3 Apr 3, 2023 Swift Playgrounds 4.3 includes Swift 5.8, the iOS 16.4 SDK, along with other features and bug fixes. Sound Pad shows you how to build your own digital musical instrument Norwegian and Vietnamese language support --- My question is will the app projects now be tested on this latest release? As this is now the only release I have access to on my devices. The terms say that 'Your app playground must be built with and run on Swift Playgrounds 4.2.1 or later' so I assume later means that they will now be judged in 4.3? The update actually caused my previous submission of the app project to crash on launch due to the following line: For some reason this character change fixes the issue: I also updated this for the other instance of Double.random in my code even though it wasn't erroring out. I've already withdrawn and resubmit my entry with the change.
Apr ’23