




When is DriverKit going to actually be useable?
The example code from the last WWDC doesn't compile in the latest xcode, and the scaffold provided when creating a 'DriverKit Driver' in xcode is broken as well.xcode provides:#include "MyDriver.h"kern_return_tIMPL(MyDriver, Start){ kern_return_t ret; ret = Start(provider, SUPERDISPATCH); os_log(OS_LOG_DEFAULT, "Hello World"); return ret;}The include needs to be changed from '.h' to '.iig', but then the IMPL() macro generates an unknown type 'MyDriver_Start_Args' and 'provider' is an undeclared identifier.I haven't found any way to even get this to compile in xcode 11.3.1Without any working examples or proper documentation I hope kexts aren't getting phased out too soon.Anyone else have any luck with this?
Feb ’20
Reasons for not writing to BLE characteristic
I have an iOS app that is trying to write to a BLE characteristic on a custom device. The services are discovered correctly, as are all of the characteristics, and the connection is successful.When trying to do a write with response to one of the characteristics that has 'read' and 'write' properties, the peripheral(_ peripheral, didWriteValueFor characteristic, error) function returns with the message "Writing is not permitted.".This error is a little vague considering that the characteristic itself says it is writable.Nothing appears on the device side, so the write is definitely being blocked on the iOS side.Does anyone know of any other reasons that would cause the "Writing not permitted." error?Thanks.
Nov ’17
Kext approval problems
With betas 7 and 8, my kernel extensions install fine, and I get the popup saying that they need to be approved, but the "Allow" button on the "Security & Privacy" panel doesn't do anything.It correctly shows our company name for the software being blocked, but clicking the button does nothing at all.Has anyone else ran into this?
Aug ’17