Hi Quinn
The platform is iOS. It's more a security reason not allowing files escaping the original device.
@eskimo thanks for the response. I was trying to present a dialog either a UIView or UIAlertViewController from a custom framework. The function in the framework is something like func foo(arg) throws -> MyObject so showing an a dialog was going to be somewhat complicated, the UIAlertAction or UIAction handlers don't return and don't support throw.
So I've moved the dialog to the app code not in the framework, unless you can think of another way. I suppose I could use delegates from the framework which the app code would implement and handle MyObject and any error that might occur.
Thanks very much 😁 This did the trick along with refactoring my framework to fire events on a protocol delegate.
On first launch, HasAchnowledgedUserLicence returns false as there is no key for it in UserDefaults and navigates to the UserLicenceViewController where some text is displayed for the user to agree to. The user tap "Agree" which sets HasAchnowledgedUserLicence to true then _ = navigationController?.popToRootViewController(animated: false) is invoked, where the condition is now met and the WelcomeViewController is shown.
I was seeing a different error initially as reported here:
When I removed kSecAttrAccessible as String: kSecAttrAccessibleAfterFirstUnlock I then was able to confirm this behaviour is also occurs in iOS 15 simulator with Xcode 13.
Thanks for the reply. I assume the UserDefault.standard accessible by the app aren't affected given SSO extensions are configured as of part of an MDM infrastructure
I'm testing some of the app group functionality at the moment and can confirm UserDefault.standard isn't affected by the extension. Simply put, only the app can access UserDefault.standard.
Happy to open a new thread, but what would you recommend to move files from FileManager.default.urls to FileManager.default.containerURL to support data sharing between the app and extension. In particular, what's the best function to handle the update when a user downloads the latest version of an app. Appreciate any guidance 😃
Still occurs in iOS 15.2 simulator, seems to work on physical device.