Does anyone know if there is going to be support for ADE/DEP enrolled devices to leverage the new declarative management?
Selecting any option will automatically load the page
Hi, I would like to ask how to use SSO extension in containing app.
Do you use it as in any host app or is there some difference?
I would like to ask how to change fontWeight of a button label within ButtonStyle. However I can't figure it how to do it.
This is my code:
struct CapsuleButtonStyle: ButtonStyle {
func makeBody(configuration: Self.Configuration) -> some View {
.fontWeight(.bold) /* All modifiers work except this one*/
.padding(.horizontal, 11)
.padding(.vertical, 6)
Thanks for your help
I’m developong suite of apps for enterprise. These apps will only by distributed via Apple Business Manager and respectove MDM solution.
Is it okay to use SF Symbols for app icons in these apps?
Hi, Im developing custom suite of apps for small business. We have custom backend that uses bearer token authentication. So user logs in and is granted an access and refresh token.
I want to a single sign on experience. Where user needs to sign in only to one app and have access to all other apps. However I'm getting confused of all the possible options for authentication iOS provides and how they work together.
Like password autofill, keychain, SSO extensions. For example: what is the purpose of keychain sharing when password autofill can share credentials based on associated domains
should I somehow manually save credentials like password and username when password autofill is used
what is the difference between using shared keychain vs. SSO
Can any one clarify?
Thank you in advance😊