




Reply to Game porting toolkit build error
Xcode 15 beta 3 and newer (including the current beta 5) fails to link certain x86_64 objects. It also fails to link libbass and friends from, unless they are built to target macOS 10.6 or newer. The current public distributions of those are built with Xcode 8 and target 10.5 or newer. The same problem may apply to code built with non-Xcode versions of GCC or Clang. This appears to be a regression in Xcode, which I have reported as FB 12698037. Though they may just close it as intentional behavior, in which case, say goodbye to compatibility for who knows how long.
Topic: Graphics & Games SubTopic: General Tags:
Aug ’23
Reply to Run Xcode 13.x on macOS Ventura?
This whole thing raises the point as to whether it is even worth running the betas at all if you're a developer. If you're a developer, you need to release your app to the App Store on a regular basis, and you can't do this with a beta. So why even bother testing it? I cannot take a four month vacation from releasing app updates, and dual booting is inconvenient when I actually have to use the machine, as I'd rather spend time using the OS I can actually develop from.
Jul ’22
Reply to Xcode 11 hangs while attaching debugger to ios process
I have this issue randomly with Xcode 13.4.1 under macOS 12.4 on Apple Silicon, debugging a Mac app, not Rosetta. Breaking the app shows the main thread is stuck in a function called uniquing_table_stack_retain, underneath of an NSWindow function. The rest of the app is non-responsive. The only thing I've found to fix it is to completely terminate the debug session and hope the next one doesn't get stuck. I should mention that my hangups mostly happen when debugging with full Guard Malloc and Malloc Scribble enabled for the run, which also has a huge impact on memory usage and allocation overhead, both used memory and time to allocate.
Jul ’22
Reply to AppleID Login failing in virtualized OS
Incidentally, it's also not possible to maintain a beta install on a primary development machine if you develop for the App Store, as the beta does not support stable Xcode, and the beta, like all betas in the past, cannot be used to publish to the App Store, unless you use Xcode Cloud to build using a stable version. And I find I cannot use Xcode Cloud, because it messes with my app's Info.plist bundle version in unpredictable ways. I cannot get it to build consistent versioning. I use a template Info.plist and generate the version number from the Git repository at build time, and Xcode Cloud ignores this and stamps the Info.plist with its own decided version string, even one which is incompatible with the App Store, as it contains letters. (It uses the first five of the Git hash as the version string, ignoring my chosen version template of commit number since a specific tag.)
Topic: App & System Services SubTopic: Core OS Tags:
Jul ’22