




Reply to CloudKit Web Services access to encrypted values
Once the document has been downloaded, the url contains a special character "$ {f}" which must be replaced by any other value you want. In this case I use the recordName to replace this special character. let downloadURL = ... let fileName = recordName + ".jpg" let urlString = downloadURL.replacingOccurrences(of: "${f}", with: fileName) guard let url = URL(string: urlString) else { return nil } // Do what you want with url
Oct ’21
Reply to App Clips should support CloudKit for read-only access to the public database
I'm on the same situation. I created an application that fit the use of App Clip feature but without CloudKit support I have to abandon this feature. I opened request and hope that the team at Apple will add quickly the support CloudKit framework in App Clip. It push the developers to use other solutions whereas CloudKit is available (and great framework!). Thank you.
Topic: App & System Services SubTopic: Core OS Tags:
Sep ’21