In our application, we have implemented an app extension to allow users to open the main app directly from the share activity window. To achieve this, we used the openURL(:) method from the NSExtensionContext class, as documented here: openURL(:).
However, we received one post from Apple stating that opening the main app directly is typically only supported in extensions such as Today widgets or iMessage apps. They also mentioned that this approach may require an additional review during the App Store submission process.
Link: https://developer.apple.com/documentation/foundation/nsextensioncontext/1416791-openurl
Could someone clarify:
If using openURL(_:) in a share extension to open the main app would lead to potential issues during App Store submission?
Are there specific guidelines or alternative approaches we should follow to ensure compliance?
Any insights or recommendations would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you!
Hi Team,
Currently facing an issue with accessibility voice over larger text mode on buttons in iOS 15. When voice over is "ON", for normal text size a button accessibility label is reading fine, but when in large text mode the button labels are reading twice.
For example: Normal mode "Yes" button title is reading as "Yes button", while in larger text mode it is reading as "Yes Button yes".
We have only enabled accessibility label for the buttons.