




Reply to Issues with URLSessionWebSocketDelegate
The error that I'm getting … Is that for every WebSocket task? Or does it crop up intermittently? I only have one websocket task and it happens intermittently. However when it does happen, it always happens after the webSocketTask:didOpenWithProtocol: has been executed. The should not happen. is there any way I can check the WebSockeTask at a low level to confirm that the underlying web socket is indeed connected? If I could then I'd be able to trouble shoot this further
Topic: App & System Services SubTopic: Core OS Tags:
Jan ’22
Reply to Issues with URLSessionWebSocketDelegate
Hi Eskimo! Thank you for looking into this, highly appreciated. I have a session manager that I use for REST calls, and I made the websocket extension a part of that and am using the same session to create the webSocketTask. Was this a bad idea and should I have a separate session altogether for the websocket code? The error that I'm getting in the completeError method is the following: 2022-01-07 11:07:23 3 - WebSocketExtension in didCompleteWithError Error Domain=NSPOSIXErrorDomain Code=57 "Socket is not connected" UserInfo={NSErrorFailingURLStringKey=, NSErrorFailingURLKey=, _NSURLErrorRelatedURLSessionTaskErrorKey=(     "LocalWebSocketTask <7680DF77-1C5B-46E1-A67D-AB0E0289EC6C>.<6>" ), _NSURLErrorFailingURLSessionTaskErrorKey=LocalWebSocketTask <7680DF77-1C5B-46E1-A67D-AB0E0289EC6C>.<6>} I get this for the WebSocketTask after the webSocketTask:didOpenWithProtocol: as completed I also get the same error in the webSocketTask.receive method. Once I get this error in this method, my retry logic in the websockettask.receive() method kicks in and it just makes the problem worse.
Topic: App & System Services SubTopic: Core OS Tags:
Jan ’22
Reply to Xcode 12.4 has no 14.3 simulator runtime
Hi Ivan, I can also confirm that the 14.3 simulator runtime is missing from the downloadable runtimes area. My issue is that I need the latest WatchOS 7.3 simulator runtime which is also missing. I suspect Apple will address this soon, but perhaps until then you can re-download Xcode 12.3? That should still have the 14.3 iOS runtime still available
Jan ’21