Am using fastlane to upload into TestFlight. Am able to successfully upload the build without any issues.
For Testing Internally , I want to upload the build into App Store Connect but I should restrict it on submitting to App Store. ( This is possible when i distribute the app via TestFlight Internal Only from XCode -> Organizer -> Distribute App (Select option with TestFlight Internal Only). I want to achieve the same using either Transporter/ fastlane.
I tried setting buildAudienceType to INTERNAL_ONLY as per https://developer.apple.com/documentation/appstoreconnectapi/buildaudiencetype but it is not working.
Can you suggest how i can achieve this via fastlane?
Selecting any option will automatically load the page
I am trying to find solutions past 4 days. but not getting any reference about NFC implementation in my app to read Debit/Credit card upon user consent? Can you confirm apple is provided any api for read Debit/Credit card using NFC or not. Tried with normal NFCReader but it reads only for normal tags but nothing with Visa/ MasterCard cards. Looking forward some help from you. Thanks