
12 results found






Undefined symbols error when trying to use NSToolbarPrimarySidebarTrackingSeparatorItemIdentifier & NSToolbarSupplementarySidebarTrackingSeparatorItemIdentifier
I've been getting an errors while building about undefined symbols when trying to use primarySidebarTrackingSeparatorItemIdentifier or supplementarySidebarTrackingSeparatorItemIdentifier on Xcode 12 beta1 & beta2. Am I doing something wrong, or are these not yet available in the betas?
Jul ’20
UISwitch inside table view cell is not converted to checkbox on Catalyst
I'm testing the new UISwitch.Style to use a native checkbox when running a Catalyst app on macOS. When the UISwitch is on a view by itself, the conversion from switch to checkbox works fine. But if the checkbox is inside the accessoryView of a UITableViewCell, the conversion doesn't work, neither the checkbox or the switch are rendered. I created a small sample project to demonstrate what's happening: https://github.com/marcosatanaka/catalyst-switch-test Is this a Catalyst bug or we should configure switches differently when they're inside table view cells?
Jul ’20
Reply to Undefined symbols error when trying to use NSToolbarPrimarySidebarTrackingSeparatorItemIdentifier & NSToolbarSupplementarySidebarTrackingSeparatorItemIdentifier
There are tons of issues with the toolbar at the moment. Using the new NSSearchToolbarItem, it will sometimes randomly (for no obvious reason) insert empty space between it & the item before it. Doing anything that causes the toolbar to perform it's layout seems to usually fixes these. The problem is that NSToolbar is not a subclass of NSView, so we can't really force it to perform it's layout without hacks (like toggling it's display mode).
Aug ’20
Reply to Undefined symbols error when trying to use NSToolbarPrimarySidebarTrackingSeparatorItemIdentifier & NSToolbarSupplementarySidebarTrackingSeparatorItemIdentifier
Yep, beta 4 seems to fix these. Now getting some weirdness when using the toggleSidebar item in that the window title appears in the primary column rather than the supplementary column, and the toggleSidebar item moves to the far right within the overflow item. This must be a bug, toggling the toolbar into icon + label mode and back to icon only mode seems to fix it temporarily.
Aug ’20
Reply to Undefined symbols error when trying to use NSToolbarPrimarySidebarTrackingSeparatorItemIdentifier & NSToolbarSupplementarySidebarTrackingSeparatorItemIdentifier
Try this, for now: extension NSToolbarItem.Identifier { t static let primarySeparatorttt = NSToolbarItem.Identifier(rawValue: NSToolbarPrimarySidebarTrackingSeparatorItem) t static let supplementarySeparator = NSToolbarItem.Identifier(rawValue: NSToolbarSupplementarySidebarTrackingSeparatorItem) }
Jul ’20