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Use the AVAudioSession object to communicate to the system how you intend to use audio in your app.

Posts under AVAudioSession tag

82 Posts
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Record over bluetooth using SBC
When recording audio over bluetooth from AirPods to iPhone using the AVAudioRecorder the Bluetooth audio codec used is always AAC-ELD independent of the codec to store which is selected in the AVAudioRecorder instance. As far as I know must every Bluetooth device support SBC, hence, it should be possible for the AirPods to transmit the recorded audio using the SBC codec instead of AAC-ELD. However, I could not find any resource on how the request this codec using the AVAudioRecorder or AVAudioEngine. Is it possible to request SBC at all and if yes how?
Aug ’23
AVRoutePickerView displays incorrect output names
Hi Folks, I'm currently working on video conferencing app and use AVRoutePickerView for output device selection. Since iOS 16 release it started to display incorrect names for ear-piece and speaker options. For both of them the name is iPhone (before it was iPhone/Speaker) Output changes works correctly but display names confuse. Here is my audio session configuration:     private func configureSession() {         let configuration = RTCAudioSessionConfiguration.webRTC()         configuration.category = AVAudioSession.Category.playAndRecord.rawValue         configuration.categoryOptions = [.allowBluetooth, .allowBluetoothA2DP, .duckOthers, .mixWithOthers]         let session = RTCAudioSession.sharedInstance()         session.lockForConfiguration()         do {             try session.setConfiguration(configuration)         } catch let error as NSError {             logError("[AudioSessionManager] Unable to configure RTCAudioSession with error: \(error.localizedDescription)")         }         session.unlockForConfiguration()     }          private func overrideOutputPortIfNeeded() {         DispatchQueue.main.async {             guard let currentOutputType = self.session.currentRoute.outputs.first?.portType else { return }                      self.session.lockForConfiguration()             let shouldOverride = [.builtInReceiver, .builtInSpeaker].contains(currentOutputType)             logDebug("[AudioSessionManager] Should override output to speaker? \(shouldOverride)")             if shouldOverride {                 do {                     try self.session.overrideOutputAudioPort(.speaker)                 } catch let error as NSError {                     logError("[AudioSessionManager] Unable to override output to Speaker: \(error.localizedDescription)")                 }             }             self.session.unlockForConfiguration()         }     } Any help appreciated, Thansk!
Jul ’23