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Use the AVAudioSession object to communicate to the system how you intend to use audio in your app.

Posts under AVAudioSession tag

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`videoChat` AVAudioSession.Mode Issues on iPhone 14 Pro Max
I work on a video conferencing application, which makes use of AVAudioEngine and the videoChat AVAudioSession.Mode This past Friday, an internal user reported an "audio cutting in and out" issue with their new iPhone 14 Pro, and I was able to reproduce the issue later that day on my iPhone 14 Pro Max. No other iOS devices running iOS 16 are exhibiting this issue. I have narrowed down the root cause to the videoChat AVAudioSession.Mode after changing line 53 of the ViewController.swift file in Apple's "Using Voice Processing" sample project (https://developer.apple.com/documentation/avfaudio/audio_engine/audio_units/using_voice_processing) from: try session.setCategory(.playAndRecord, options: .defaultToSpeaker) to try session.setCategory(.playAndRecord, mode: .videoChat, options: .defaultToSpeaker) This only causes issues on my iPhone 14 Pro Max device, not on my iPhone 13 Pro Max, so it seems specific to the new iPhones only. I am also seeing the following logged to the console using either device, which appears to be specific to iOS 16, but am not sure if it is related to the videoChat issue or not: 2022-09-19 08:23:20.087578-0700 AVEchoTouch[2388:1474002] [as] ATAudioSessionPropertyManager.mm:71  Invalid input size for property 1684431725 2022-09-19 08:23:20.087605-0700 AVEchoTouch[2388:1474002] [as] ATAudioSessionPropertyManager.mm:225  Invalid input size for property 1684431725 I am assuming 1684431725 is 'dfcm' but I am not sure what Audio Session Property that might be.
Nov ’23
Background audio issues with AVPictureInPictureController
I know that if you want background audio from AVPlayer you need to detatch your AVPlayer from either your AVPlayerViewController or your AVPlayerLayer in addition to having your AVAudioSession configured correctly. I have that all squared away and background audio is fine until we introduce AVPictureInPictureController or use the PiP behavior baked into AVPlayerViewController. If you want PiP to behave as expected when you put your app into the background by switching to another app or going to the homescreen you can't perform the detachment operation otherwise the PiP display fails. On an iPad if PiP is active and you lock your device you continue to get background audio playback. However on an iPhone if PiP is active and you lock the device the audio pauses. However if PiP is inactive and you lock the device the audio will pause and you have to manually tap play on the lockscreen controls. This is the same between iPad and iPhone devices. My questions are: Is there a way to keep background-audio playback going when PiP is inactive and the device is locked (iPhone and iPad) Is there a way to keep background-audio playback going when PiP is active and the device is locked? (iPhone)
Feb ’24