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Hi there, I am the developer of OpenArtemis - an open-source, read only, and privacy focused reddit client. It has local sub favorites, local saved posts and saved comments, and most recently local multis! When you jump in you will immediately see that it is heavily inspired by Apollo.
Some things to note:
In hopes of remaining in good faith with Reddit, the app is completely free and open source. Nothing is paid, nor will ever be paid. I do not accept donations for developing the app at this time. This is purely a passion project!
How does it work? - The app is built on top of web scraping Every action you take is emulated essentially on top of a psuedo-backend browser. This app is basically a fancy frontend built on top of the HTML of
What about it is "privacy focused?" - The app attempts to strip out ads, trackers, and has built in redirects to other open-source front end alternatives. (Like invidious for youtube, nitter for twitter, etc.)
This project does not support logging in, and it is not planned to. OpenArtemis is intended to remain as a read-only client. Though, you can open specific comments and posts in the in-app browser (via swipe actions or long press), in which you can comment from there.
You can see the source code here: