




How to Resolve Core Data Composite Attributes Errors in Xcode?
How do I resolve these errors reported in Xcode about using Core Data Composite Attributes feature? Composite Attributes feature requires tvOS deployment target 17.0 or later Composite Attributes feature requires watchOS deployment target 10.0 or later My app is a Cocoa app and targets macOS 14.0+. I do not have an iOS, iPadOS, tvOS nor watchOS targets. So, I don't understand why I am getting these errors. My Xcode project format is set to Xcode 16.0. I am on macOS Sequoia 15.2 (24C101) and using Xcode Version 16.2 (16C5032a). If you create a new Xcode project and choose macOS > App and Storage > Core Data and then Add Composite Type and set an attribute name and type, you will get the errors.
Jan ’25
How to Create a Designated Keychain for Testing Purposes?
I wrote a Keychain controller that add, delete and fetch keychain items using SecItemAdd(_:_:)and related APIs with data protection keychain enabled (kSecUseDataProtectionKeychain). I am using it in a macOS Cocoa app. I am using Swift Testing to write my tests to ensure that the controller works as expected. As I understand, I should create my own keychain for testing rather than use the actual keychain in macOS. Currently, I created a separate keychain group (e.g. com.testcompany.testapp.shared) and added it to myapp.entitlements file so that the tests pass without failing because of the missing entitlement file. SecKeychainCreate(_:_:_:_:_:_:) and SecKeychainDelete(_:) API are deprecated with no alternative provided in the documentation. I noticed SecKeychain class but documentation doesn't explain much about it. How should I test my keychain controller properly so that it does not use the actual macOS keychain, which is the "production" keychain?
Dec ’24
Xcode Fails to Load Products Metadata from the StoreKit Configuration File
I'm on an Intel-based Mac running macOS Sonoma 14.7.1 (23H222) and Xcode Version 16.1 (16B40). I've created a local StoreKit Configuration File that does not synchronise with App Store Connect and selected it in the Scheme. I have some products that are consumable in-app purchase and it loads fine as expected when I run the app and I am able to make transactions. It also show up in the Transaction Manager. After a little while, working on the app, re-running it several times, it stops working. The products do not load the metadata from the StoreKit configuration file. I also get this error in the console: Error enumerating unfinished transactions for first transaction listener: Error Domain=NSURLErrorDomain Code=-1003 "A server with the specified hostname could not be found." UserInfo={AMSStatusCode=0, _NSURLErrorFailingURLSessionTaskErrorKey=LocalDataTask <DF5E86B0-0E4A-4982-AF42-FC58FA858C01>.<1>, NSErrorFailingURLKey=http://localhost:51027/inApps/history?guid=F01898465023&reason=initial, _kCFStreamErrorDomainKey=10, _NSURLErrorRelatedURLSessionTaskErrorKey=( "LocalDataTask <DF5E86B0-0E4A-4982-AF42-FC58FA858C01>.<1>" ), NSLocalizedDescription=A server with the specified hostname could not be found., NSErrorFailingURLStringKey=http://localhost:51027/inApps/history?guid=F01898465023&reason=initial, NSUnderlyingError=0x60000038c150 {Error Domain=kCFErrorDomainCFNetwork Code=-1003 "(null)" UserInfo={_kCFStreamErrorDomainKey=10, _kCFStreamErrorCodeKey=-72000, _NSURLErrorNWPathKey_desc=satisfied (Path is satisfied), interface: lo0, _NSURLErrorNWResolutionReportKey_desc=Resolved 0 endpoints in 0ms using unknown from query}}, _kCFStreamErrorCodeKey=-72000} Restarting the computer resolves the issue but I don't want to restart the computer every single time when it happens and it happens quite soon after a short while. How can I make sure that it doesn't happen or if it does happen then fix the issue without restarting the computer? Relaunching Xcode doesn't help and neither does deleting Project Build Data and Indexes.
Nov ’24
Code Signing failed for third-party Swift package
I am having trouble submitting the next build of my macOS app to the App Store Connect. I keep getting a variation of this error: ITMS-90238: Invalid Signature - The main app bundle MyApp at path has following signing error(s): code has no resources but signature indicates they must be present In subcomponent: . Refer to the Code Signing and Application Sandboxing Guide at and Technical Note 2206 at for more information. ITMS-90238: Invalid Signature - The main app bundle MyApp at path has following signing error(s): code has no resources but signature indicates they must be present In subcomponent: . Refer to the Code Signing and Application Sandboxing Guide at and Technical Note 2206 at for more information. ITMS-90238: Invalid Signature - The main app bundle MyApp at path has following signing error(s): code has no resources but signature indicates they must be present In subcomponent: . Refer to the Code Signing and Application Sandboxing Guide at and Technical Note 2206 at for more information. I am using Firebase framework as a Swift package. I tried updating Swift package to the latest version and that didn't help. I also tried to revert to the last version that was successfully used on the App Store/TestFlight and that didn't help. I have no control over this framework other than not use it or choose a specific version. I also tried to export the app and use the Transporter app and that didn't help. Any suggestions?
Mar ’24