Playground Bluetooth

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Display and manage connections to Bluetooth peripherals in Swift Playgrounds using Playground Bluetooth.

Posts under Playground Bluetooth tag

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Wake Up iPad from sleep into single app mode by BLE and Network
Hi, we actually have an application where we use iPad to run a WEB Application to display multiple Entertainment/Information content and control Infrastructure. The device is usually connected to a base station (own design) using BLE und USB only for power, is locked in single App Mode using MDM. As long as the App is open it is working fine. But now we like to go to the next step and like to have the device movable and use power save. How can we achieve the iPad wakes up immediately from sleep mode (directly to the app) if somebody is pressing a button on the base station (we support Comm Port, and HID Keyboard service, we can change code on base station if needed). And how can we achieve the same over Network (Wi-Fi or Ethernet with Adapter, Internet access is not always available). May set a state on the MQTT broker and tablet should wake up from sleep. Thanks for feedback Patrik
Jun ’24
Increase in Download Time from Sensors to Mobile with Recent IOS Updates
We have observed a significant increase in download time from the sensors to the mobile device after recent OS updates. We are connected to the external sensors via the BLE interface using the following connection parameters(15,15,0,6000) example 1.For 1 Meter with duration of 28 Seconds the IOS 17.1 taking 44 secs where as IOS 17.5.1 taking 82 secs . 2..For 1 Meter with duration of 45 Seconds the IOS 17.1 taking 74 secs where as IOS 17.5.1 taking 143 secs . Even with the same connection parameters, download times were considerably lower in iOS 15 and below devices. We are currently using the connection parameters 15, 15, 0, 6000. I have learned from some documents that the minimum connection interval was changed to 20, but when I tried it, the download time increased further. I am seeking assistance on how to achieve the same download times as the older versions.
Jun ’24
When iOS17 has a bug and cannot record audio, play the audio to a Bluetooth device
let session = AVAudioSession.sharedInstance() do { try session.setCategory(AVAudioSession.Category.playback) try session.setActive(true) //playAndRecord <AVAudioSessionPortDescription: 0x2828dc2b0, type = Speaker; name = 扬声器; UID = Speaker; selectedDataSource = (null)> //playback <AVAudioSessionPortDescription: 0x28204c1a0, type = BluetoothA2DPOutput; name = M2; UID = 00:02:5C:22:22:11-tacl; selectedDataSource = (null)> print(session.currentRoute.outputs) } catch { print(error) } when I ssession.setCategory(AVAudioSession.Category.playback) audio play output a2dp ble devices. session.currentRoute.outputs print bellow `<AVAudioSessionPortDescription: 0x28204c1a0, type = BluetoothA2DPOutput; name = M2; UID = 00:02:5C:22:22:11-tacl; selectedDataSource = (null)> when I ssession.setCategory(AVAudioSession.Category.playAndRecord) output <AVAudioSessionPortDescription: 0x2828dc2b0, type = Speaker; name = 扬声器; UID = Speaker; selectedDataSource = (null)> BluetoothA2DPOutput is gone. but it is normal in ios15-16. Is there any solution? I want to record audio and play music at the same time. And the music is output from the Bluetooth speaker
Dec ’23
Bluetooth Device Implementation
Hello all, I am interested in trying to develop a short-medium range (>100 meters) tracking device for a hobby project in order to gain some literacy in mobile phone software, and have a few questions. I am new to working with anything iOS so please correct me in any mistakes I make in this query. Is RFID or Bluetooth better for tracking and implementation on iOS? How difficult is device implementation into iOS and apps such as find my iPhone? How would one go about it? If I wanted a tracking device to send notifications based on location/distance from another device, could I do that with Apples framework or would I have to create my own app? What programming language would be used in this sort of endeavor? Would C++ work or does iOS use different ones? Thanks in advance, any and all advice is greatly appreciated.
Sep ’23
AVAudioSession allowBluetoothA2DP not working on external device iOS17 playAndRecord session
I saw a similar post to this where the issue was fixed in the final iOS17 release, but I am still having a problem since my situation is slightly different. I am wondering if its a bug based on current behavior, but was hoping maybe someone knows if the issue is with my setup? I am trying to monitor an external USB camera's audio input using the new iOS17 external call for iPad, over bluetooth. func setupAudioSession() { let audioSession = AVAudioSession.sharedInstance() do { try audioSession.setCategory(.playAndRecord, mode: .default, options: [.allowBluetoothA2DP, .defaultToSpeaker] ) try audioSession.setActive(true) } catch { print("Failed to set up audio session: \(error)") } } When my execution order is: setupAudioSession() // code above // discover and connect the session AV inputs to the external USB // start an audio engine // connect audio engine output to a buffer queue and play // start the session My app does not allow routing to the headphones and directly switches to speaker. However if I change the order to this: setupAudioSession() // code above // discover and connect the session AV inputs to the external USB // start an audio engine // start the session --- !starting before connecting output! // connect audio engine output to a buffer queue and play The session stays connected to Bluetooth and plays over the headphones. However if I suspend the app and relaunch, I get switched back to speaker. I understand maybe the system is trying to prevent an audio feedback loop? But don't understand why launching the session early would get the desired behavior. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Oct ’23
Bluetooth ANCS don't send ringing alarm clock and countdown timer
Hello everyone, sorry for my ignorance about it, with ANCS I managed to get all the notifications except the alarm that rings and the timer expired, where am I wrong? do they travel on other channels like gatt? if yes can someone help me understand how to receive these 2 information? the alarm goes off and the timer expired? Thanks in advance to everyone who will help me, Marco.
Aug ’23