Intelligently educate your users about the right features at the right time with TipKit

Posts under TipKit tag

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TipViewStyle with default dismiss button
I have created a custom TipViewStyle to have more control over the layout in the TipView. However, I've noticed that by doing so I lose the default "X" dismiss button. I do not see any way to access it from the Configuration. Is my only solution to add an Action to my Tip? Also, as an aside, has anyone figured out a way to add a shadow other than using the popoverTip? It seems to be clipped... struct Test: TipViewStyle { func makeBody(configuration: Configuration) -> some View { HStack() { configuration.image?.scaledToFit() VStack(alignment: .leading) { configuration.title configuration.message } } } }
Sep ’23
TipKit: showing a popover tip on a SwiftUI toolbar button
Hi folks, there's currently a known issue in TipKit due to which it won't show popover tips on buttons that are inside a SwiftUI ToolbarItem. For example, if you try this code, the popover tip will not appear: ToolbarItem { Button(action: {...}) { Label("Tap here", systemImage: "gear") } .popoverTip(sampleTip) } There's an easy workaround for this issue. Just apply a style to the button. It can be any style. Some examples are bordered, borderless, plain and borderedProminent. Here's a fixed version of the above code: ToolbarItem { Button(action: {...}) { Label("Tap here", systemImage: "gear") } .buttonStyle(.plain) // Adding this line fixes the issue. .popoverTip(sampleTip) } Hope this helps anyone running into this issue.
Jun ’24
More control of TipKit arrow locations
Hello! Based on the lack of forum posts, I think I'm one of the first people to really be diving into TipKit. :) I'm trying to use a tip to coax users toward a button in the toolbar of a NavigationView. The docs say to put the TipView "close to the content", but the best I can do for the NavigationView toolbar is to put it in one of the views inside the Navigation View itself. I'm using a TipView with an arrowEdge: .top parameter, which results in this: I'd love to be able to move the arrow tip under the plus button. Is that possible in this early beta stage? Do I need to restructure my view hierarchy somehow?
Aug ’23
TipKitMacros throws an error
Hi folks, I'm trying to implement TipKits to understand more better but I'm facing an error while trying to use @Parameter macro. Here is the sample code that I've tried as showed on instruction videos below struct FavoriteLandmarkTip: Tip { @Parameter static var isLoggedIn: Bool = false var title: Text { Text("Save as Favourite") } var message: Text? { Text("Your favorite landmarks always appear at the top of the list.") } var asset: Image? { Image(systemName: "star") } var actions: [Action] { [ Tip.Action( id: "learn-more", title: "Learn More" ), ] } } But I'm getting this error for isLoggedIn property External macro implementation type 'TipKitMacros.ParameterMacro' could not be found for macro 'Parameter(isTransient:customID:)'; the type must be public and provided by a macro target in a Swift package, or via '-plugin-path' or '-load-plugin-library' Could you help me to solve this problem ?
Jul ’23
Tip Kit
I am trying to use tip kit in my demo app but I am unable to access its api's. When I try to call TipsCenter.shared.configure() I am getting Cannot find 'TipsCenter' in scope. I am using the latest Xcode beta and trying in swiftUI. Any solutions?
Jul ’23
Does `TipKit` not available right now?
I want to try the new TipKit features but when I import it from project, Xcode told me that No such module 'TipKit' and I also try the following code to create a tip directly but it doesn't work and Xcode shows Cannot find type 'Tip'. What can I do to use the new feature? // MARK: Tips define here. struct bookmarkTip: Tip { }
Aug ’23