Show common user interface elements from Apple TV in your native app using TVUIKit.

Posts under TVUIKit tag

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AVPlayerViewController (AppleTV) - Dolby (multi-channel audio) visualisation
We noticed that AVPlayerViewController does not always show the "Multi-channel" label in the audio setting in the player when playing a video asset with surround sound as an audio track. (see image) We only serve in the HLS master manifest a multichannel audio track, like this #EXT-X-MEDIA:TYPE=AUDIO,GROUP-ID="audio_0",CHANNELS="6",NAME="Surround",LANGUAGE.... Different tvOS versions will give us different outcomes on whether or not the "multi-channel" label is shown DOES NOT SHOW (the label Multi-channel will not show) Model A1842 (tvOS v 17.5.1) Model A1625 (tvOS v 16.6) DOES SHOW (see image) Model A1625 (tvOS v 15.6) This gives us the impression that the label being shown depends on tvOS version.. Any reason why? This is an ideal way for the user to see that the audio track has surround..
Getting Swift_header compilation error for tvOS
I have a tvOS project contains an App target and 3 static libraries: EntryPoint – Static library that contains main , AppDelegate and SceneDelegate Experience – Static library containing my UI elements AppTarget – executable built using above two libraries I have a class "SelectionTable" which subclasses UITableView in Experience target : import UIKit class SelectionTable : UITableView { private var vDataSrc:[String]! func SetDataSrc (_ pDataSrc:[String]) { self.vDataSrc = pDataSrc } func UpdateDataSrc (_ pStringList:[String]) { self.vDataSrc += pStringList } func GetDataSrc () -> [String] { return self.vDataSrc } } I am not using this class anywhere and still i am getting these errors when i build my AppTarget: Cannot find interface declaration for 'UITableView', superclass of 'SelectionTable' Expected a type These above error are coming in generated header file "Experience-Swift.h". This file is auto-generated by compiler. I am not using @objc anywhere in the code, But still the Target-Swift.h file has the below lines: SWIFT_CLASS("_TtC10Experience22SelectionTable") @interface SelectionTable : UITableView - (nonnull instancetype)initWithFrame:(CGRect)frame style:(UITableViewStyle)style OBJC_DESIGNATED_INITIALIZER; - (nullable instancetype)initWithCoder:(NSCoder * _Nonnull)coder OBJC_DESIGNATED_INITIALIZER; @end When i am marking above class as Private , this error goes away . And also , if i am defining SelectionTable class in EntryPoint library , this error does not occur . I am using similar model for an iOS project also and there i am not facing this issue. I am using :- Swift version : Swift 5.9.2 XCode version : 15.2
Feb ’24
TVOS 17 Alert tintColor Issue
The alertController.view.tintColor = .yellow statement does not seem to take effect in TVOS 17 when creating alerts. Interestingly, when using the same alert code on TVOS 16, the specified color is applied successfully. I'm seeking assistance in resolving this discrepancy and would appreciate any guidance or solutions you can provide. I could understand that the Alert design aswell is modified which is not mentioned in the release notes of TVOS 17. Please help me out here. TVOS 17: TVOS 16:
Dec ’23