Build device-to-device interactions with Network Framework

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Discuss the WWDC22 Session Build device-to-device interactions with Network Framework

Posts under wwdc2022-110339 tag

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Network Framework not picking WatchOS 9+
As you can see in this open source repository, I am trying to test out the code provided when you download the Apple sample "Building a custom peer-to-peer protocol" I bought a new Apple TV in order to work with this. But I have had so many issues! First I realized that the functionality is only available from WatchOS 9 or greater, but my Apple Watch 3 won't update to WatchOS 9. Then I got another watch, but it had to be updated. Then had to turn on the Developer Mode and then I was having a issues where it kept saying that the phone & watch needed to be unlocked, over and over -.-. Then finally after building the app on the watch from my computer using Xcode (latest), the problem I am now having is that the app on the AppleTV only detects the phones in the network, and not this new Apple Watch. -,- So now I just have a bunch of new technology that is doing nothing I have read through so many tutorials but can't tell why it doesn't detect it. It seems like the DDDevicePickerViewController is not returning the watch. The other question I have is, can I use the Network Framework to connect to multiple devices at the same time? (Think Texas hold em poker on Apple TV but with cards on each player's phone)
Oct ’23
DeviceActivityMonitor eventDidReachThreshold triggering every time in same second as intervalDidStart gets called
Hello, I am trying to make use of Screentime API in my app, I have issue with the DeviceActivityMonitor extension. I have schedule DeviceActivitySchedule which I set like this: let schedule = DeviceActivitySchedule( intervalStart: DateComponents(hour: 00, minute: 00), intervalEnd: DateComponents(hour: 23, minute: 59), repeats: false ) and DeviceActivityEvent which I set like this: let dateComponent = DateComponents(minute: 1) var events: [DeviceActivityEvent.Name: DeviceActivityEvent] = [ .encouraged: DeviceActivityEvent(threshold: dateComponent) ] The issue is that every time I start monitoring, by calling this piece of code from the app: do { print("Try start monitoring...") try center.startMonitoring(.daily, during: schedule, events: events) } catch { print("Error: ", error) } I catch in the extension that the event intervalDidStart is called, but in the same second I get called eventDidReachThreshold. What could be done wrong? Is event set properly? I was trying to set event with different Datecomponents (minute, hour, second), by setting different amount of time, like: let dateComponent = DateComponents(minute: 3) let dateComponent = DateComponents(second: 120) but nothing worked differently, every time, it was triggering eventDidReachThreshold right after the interval starts. If I put something unnormally high, like: let dateComponent = DateComponents(second: 120) The event eventDidReachThreshold is not triggered same time as the intervalStarts, but it is not counting time properly. Please if someone could help me, I want to be able to use events properly, with the amount of time which I set. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks in advance
Oct ’23