What's new in web apps

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Posts under wwdc2023-10120 tag

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iOS web app splash screens
After watching the WWDC 2023 “What’s new in web apps” session, I am unclear on current best practice for custom icons and custom splash screens in iOS PWAs (progressive web apps). Should we now use manifest.json entries, or the old link/meta tags way still? Is there any Apple sample code for a PWA that, when added to the Home Screen on iOS, shows an app with custom icon and a custom splash screen compatible with all devices? The Configuring Web Applications documentation is marked as Archived. Is there a newer version? Specifically, do we still have to provide a splash screen PNG for every possible device resolution? This is a serious burden and likely to break whenever a new device is released. It would be ideal if a splash screen could be synthesized by centering an icon on a background of a given color. I can’t get that to work.
Oct ’23
Specify custom icon for Safari 17 “Add to Dock” feature?
Safari 17 launched with a new feature to add web apps to the macOS Dock. However, it seems to use the favicon.ico file as icon, instead of a higher resolution apple-touch-icon.png. I would prefer to specify a different icon than favicon.ico for this. My favicon.ico is low resolution and includes no margins, because it’s meant to be displayed in small sizes (like in a browser tab). For the Dock icon, I would like to specify a different file that includes some margin around the content, and with a higher resolution. Similar to the apple-touch-icon.png which is used on iOS. How can I achieve that? Shouldn’t Safari on macOS also use apple-touch-icon.png for this purpose, instead of favicon.ico?
Oct ’23