Design widgets for the Smart Stack on Apple Watch

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Discuss the WWDC23 Session Design widgets for the Smart Stack on Apple Watch

Posts under wwdc2023-10309 tag

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Conditionally Migrate WatchOS 10 users ONLY to WidgetKit
I'm looking to migrate my users ClockKit complications to WidgetKit in my next app update. I can only do this for WatchOS 10 users because the APIs are too limited for WatchOS 9 (eg. Widget corner round text not available). But I do need to do this for WatchOS 10 users in order to get in the Smart Stack. When I tried to mark my getWidgetConfiguration method in my ComplicationController.swift with: @available(watchOS 10.0, *) it complains and says: Protocol 'CLKComplicationWidgetMigrator' requires 'getWidgetConfiguration(from:completionHandler:)' to be available in watchOS 9.0 and newer I then tried modifying my WidgetKit extension to only support WatchOS 10. This seems to work for a while but at some point WatchOS 9 devices still try the migration and crash with symbolNotFound DYLD issues for the WidgetKit extension which shouldn't even be embedded in the WatchOS 9 builds! (all visible in iPhone Analytics data crashes) So I'm not sure what else to try. I've researched a lot in docs etc... but can find no official way to achieve this.
Jun ’24
ios 17 interactive widget api call in background
ios 17 interactive widget api call in background An API request is being made through Interactive widget in iOS 17.0 version. The desired situation is to request an API through the widget's Intent and receive a response from the server. (Because it is opened from Intent, the app does not open.) But a problem occurred here. When both the main app and the widget are built, the above request works well. However, even if the build is stopped, the request is made normally if the app is in the foreground state. However, when the app is in the background, API calls are not made through Intent. How can I solve this? Desired situation: API call request through App Intent under any network condition when the app is turned off (may not be reflected separately in the widget) Problem Situation: API call through Celluar data fails when the app is turned off. What's currently working properly: Successful API call through Wi-Fi when the app is turned off Api call is successful under any network conditions when the app is turned on.
Sep ’23