In a SwiftUI lab, I was asking about setting the focus state down a view hierarchy. The answer I got was to pass the focus state down the views as a binding. Conceptually, that made sense, so I moved on to other questions. But now that I am trying to implement it, I am having problems.
In the parent view, I have something like this:
@FocusState private var focusElement: UUID?
Then I am setting a property like this in the child view:
@Binding var focusedId: UUID?
When I try to create the detail view, I'm trying this:
DetailView(focusedId: $focusElement)
But this doesn't work. The error I get is:
Cannot convert value of type 'FocusState<UUID?>.Binding' to expected argument type 'Binding<UUID?>'
What is the right way to pass down the focus state to a child view so that it can update back up to the parent view?
I am trying to update from one child view, and have a TextField in a sibling view get focus.
Direct and reflect focus in SwiftUI
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