I am developing an IOS app using Cordova. User can purchase credits that can be used later. I am using In-App Purchase for the credit purchase using cc.fovea.cordova.purchase plugin. In my app user can enter how many credits he wants to buy. Depending on that credit price is set.
- 1-25 credits: $10
- 26-50 credits: $8
- 50+ credits: $6
I have created different Consumable In-App Purchases in Itunes for each price range. Depending on user input I am sending which IAP to buy and how many quantity. But the problem is I am not able to buy more than 10 quantity at a time [Sandbox].
Is there any solution to buy more than 10 quantity at a time?
Also Is there any alternative to In-App Purchase that can be used to fulfill my requirement.
Thanks in advance