Where is libstdc++.6.dylib in xcode10 beta?

Where is libstdc++.6.dylib in xcode10 beta?

Can't compile ios project.

How add libstdc++.6.dylib in iOS12?

Answered by Developer Tools Engineer in 315386022

Correct. It is also not present in the iOS Simulator runtime. If you want to hack around this, you will need to copy the libstdc++.*dylib from the iOS 11.4 simulator runtime to the iOS 12.0 simulator runtime in addition to copying the libstdc++.tbd between the SDKs.

Note that at some point the store will stop accepting apps linked against libstdc++, so it behouves you to actually update your project to use libc++ (which has been preferred for the past ~5 years or so).

libstdc++ was deprecated about 5 years ago (note that it hasn't been available in tvOS nor watchOS). Please switch to using libc++.

Did you make some issues during the compiling phase?

My project depend on protobuf library. Now the project cannot compile in Xcode 10 beta, but everything is fine in Xcode 9.x.

Xcode 10 tells me:

#include <string> "string" file not found

We're using a third party library which uses libstdc++, so we have little control over its usage

So does this mean libstdc++ is actually being removed in Xcode 10?

Here is a suggestion from another forum: Copy the file from Xcode 9 to the Xcode 10 folder. I didn’t try it, I don't know if it works.

I tried to compile it but it did not run on the iOS12 simulator.

Then the provider of that library needs to get you an update that uses libc++ in order to use it in the iOS 12.0 simulator runtime.

Can you describe how to deteremine which embedded library may be linking to libstdc++.6.dylib? Our app links to several third-party libraries and the error message does not indicate which library may be the offending one (just a path to our app). This will help to know which provider to tap or get a new embedded library. Thanks.

Accepted Answer

Correct. It is also not present in the iOS Simulator runtime. If you want to hack around this, you will need to copy the libstdc++.*dylib from the iOS 11.4 simulator runtime to the iOS 12.0 simulator runtime in addition to copying the libstdc++.tbd between the SDKs.

Note that at some point the store will stop accepting apps linked against libstdc++, so it behouves you to actually update your project to use libc++ (which has been preferred for the past ~5 years or so).

Where can I find iOS 12.0 simulator runtime?

xcode 10 gm not work well with import: can find the file which not in the same folder, such as:

folderA: a.h, a.m, b.h

folderB: c.h

in file a.m, import can find b.h, but can not find c.h

My code (https://github.com/OpenSC/OpenSC.tokend.git) does not explicitly use libstdc++ or libstdc++-specific features, but it fails to compile when I switch project configuration from libstdc++ to libc++.

Also, the failure looks really weird: it complains that it cannot file file <exception> (that resides in /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr/include/c++/v1/exception).

Where is libstdc++.6.dylib in xcode10 beta?