Dual Boot Mojave

Definitely want to install it. Wondering if there is a good guide to doing a dual boot. I have 100GBs of free space on my machine so should not be a problem. Mainly want to dual boot because I still have to create store releases.

If you have AFPS setting up a second AFPS partition in the Container is very fast. Set the size to at least 100GB, which will leave about 60Gb after the basic install. This means that 100GB free will not be enough. Need to cull some more. You can evict some iCloud drive fiesl perhaps?

Am thinking I will get an external SSD and install my current setup on that (High Sierra) from a backup and then update my main machine to Mojave and boot from the external if/when I need to go back.

I recommend that course of action. Gives you a safety plan which is a definite plus!

Dual Boot Mojave