No "iOS Distribution" signing certificate a private key was found.with

Looking for some Help and Guidance..

I am a new Developer where i am a developer and not an admin in the Developer Team.. (meaning the distro certificate needs to be managed by our admin)

I took over a project and i am at the point of trying to Export the project (Archive) for distribution..

at the signing step i am unable to do the Automatic Signing as I get the Member Role (No Admin Role)

When going ot Manually singing i get nothing in the drop down for Distribution Certificate but i do get one in the App drop down

When i select that i get a error

No "iOS Distribution" signing certificate matching team ID "[OMITTED]" with a private key was found.

I have searched and haven't been able to find any definitive fix on my end. Should i be requesting the Admin to recreate a new Distro Certificate?

Sounds like your role lacks the authority to sign apps.

There are two categories of roles, BTW. One are team/program roles via the Member Center, and the other are user roles via App Store Connect.


No "iOS Distribution" signing certificate a private key was found.with