Rejection - Design 4.0 - Preamble

I'm hoping someone can help me find the specific text (or something close enough) in a guideline that matches up to Apple's rejection. So far I've come up empty with my searches.

Guideline 4.0 - Design

We found that your app or app extension requires users to unlock app content using Local Authentication, which is not a permitted use of this framework.

For context the app is related to mental health reporting by the user and part of the design spec was to provide as much privacy and security as possible. After login, when the user backgrounds the app I'm adding a modal that dismisses once the user authenticates with TouchID or FaceID (this option can be turned off if the user desires).

It may be that I'm just missing the text but my particular use case doesn't seem particularily onerous and for the record this same app passed beta review once already today without this issue being presented. I've also used this technique in the recent past in another privacy concious app that was allowed in the app store.

I've also asked the review team to point me to the text where it explicitly states this use is disallowed. If they respond I will update my post appropriately.

There is a two part answer to your question:

"help me find the specific text (or something close enough) in a guideline that matches up to Apple's rejection."

1) Guideline 2.5.1 .... Apps should use APIs and frameworks for their intended purposes


2) App Review's belief that:

"your app......requires users to ...... which is not a permitted use of this framework

App Review's beliefs should NOT have anything to do with App submission reviews. They should follow the explicit guidelines set out and nothing else.

>and nothing else.

Don't play the ranting fool. When you accepted the Developer Program contract you agreed that Apple can do what it wants, when it wants.

But as always, feel free to request enhancements to the process via the bug reporter, link below.

Good luck.

> App Review's beliefs should NOT have anything to do with App submission reviews. They should follow the explicit guidelines set out and nothing else.

Perhaps they believe they are following the explicit guideline "Apps should use APIs and frameworks for their intended purposes".

>I've also asked the review team to point me to the text where it explicitly states this use is disallowed. If they respond I will update my post appropriately.

Did they respond to you?

Dear All,

If I understand the concerns expressed I will like to confirm the following:

  1. The App does not require login or any credentials it is fully operational once the person purchases from the App store
  2. The Application provides a text guide how to prepare apps for signing etc for submission on the App store or Adhoc , The syntax is to be used by the users using the prescribed tools provided by Apple using xcode command line apps
  3. The App has also been rebuild to be compliant with the latest Xcode version and libraries and the corresponding functions that succeeded deprecated properties and or functions
Rejection - Design 4.0 - Preamble