Sales and Payments

So my little app usually gets maybe a dozen unit sales a month. Occasionally though, i've had 'spikes' of 10 units sold in a day. This has happened a handful of times over the last year or so. It's always 10 units, no more no less. Seems weird. Is this Apple 'catching up' on giving me sales that it somehow missed in the past or something?

Also, how/where can I find what Apple owes me? Not just for any given month, but in general, an overall total. Under Payments and Financial Reports it seems I can only select any one month.

Last, I checked a couple months in payments section, that are mark as paid. But I looked online in my accounts and there is definitely not a payment from them in either case. How do I handle that?

When you go to payments and financial reports, what is the 'Total Estimated Proceeds' amount on the left?

If you tap on the icon on the right (square w/down arrow), what figures are included in the resulting financial report .csv? Should be same, and indicate any remaining funds not yet paid out, where the month is an accounting reference, not earned when, I think.

Sales and Payments