You are not authorized to make purchases of this InApp in Sandbox at this time.

Sandbox IAP purchases are being rejected for 2 days.

I don't experience iTunes connect login issues like people currently seem to have.

Just this. Am I the only one ?

Answered by palmin in 31463022

The radar I filed on July 21 got a reply asking me to try again and my problems are resolved.

I see the same.

Didn't find your question and created new one in the Framework's

Thanks for sharing.

It suddenly stopped working for all my testers without any action on my side.

We're 100% it's Apple, now !

I see the same.

I've spent hours of struggle due to this issue.

Also having the same issue! Was working perfectly 5-6 days ago

Same issue here!

No workaround / solution found yet.

Yup, I'm seeing the same thing here. Started ~2 days ago, and still doesn't work. Anyone see any movement from Apple on this issue?

I can confirm that the live version of my app is still humming along just fine in regardes to IAP being purchased successfully.

I see the same problem.And I can not find any solution.

Same for 2 days - filed a bug report this morning

I filed a bug as well.

Update : it STILL doesn't work

Same - Thank god I'm not alone.

I've been talking to support and they said raise a technical support request (that would be a waste!).

I'll send them this forum link so they can see this needs action.

I have found though

It doesn't matter if the email is an appleID or not - it still fails in test flight

It doesn't matter if you uninstall/rebuild/reinvite - it still fails.

I tried an account that had been setup as an original sandbox tester (pre-testflight) and it WORKED in testflight.

Your last sentence can be the answer. Maybe, only the sandbox testers will have possibility to buy. Sorry, that I said that. 🙂

It's still a massive problem if you can't use external testers in TestFlight (as testflight was designed to do).

It's been fine up until a few days ago.

I've tried making noise - please make more!

How can I use a internal test account to purchase in sandbox?

Seeing the same message when testing in-app with Testflight users. My app actually got binary rejected because of this.

We are having this same problem since last week and it has us dead in the water on a new release. I'm making some nice noise as Apple has to realize they are hurting their best fans and constituents. We need a work around or fix today. I'm calling them in an hour or two...

There is hope for you : it's now working for me.

Accepted Answer

The radar I filed on July 21 got a reply asking me to try again and my problems are resolved.

I just faced the same issue all of the sudden but when I tried creating sandbox testers it worked.

My concern is that how it was working till now. I have not created any sandbox testers and i was testing this from last 5-6 weeks.

Can anyone throw some light ?

Having the same issue, years afterwards. For macOS in-app purchases

I have the same issue and see a lot of people having the same problem on the forum. However in the feedback report I filed it says there are no other similar reports. Maybe it is not as common so it’s not a priority for Apple. I think we should all file more bug reports.

I have the same issue and couldn't fix it

My problem was that I'm a member of another team and and was signed in with different account in AppStore Sandbox account.

You are not authorized to make purchases of this InApp in Sandbox at this time.