Reuse bundle identifier of the deleted app

I created an app in app store connect.

I did not even upload the ipa file.

I accidently deleted the app from the App store connect.

Now i can not reuse the bundle identifier which i used to created the mentioned deleted app.

May i use the same bundle identifier again?

>May i use the same bundle identifier again?

Only if you have -not- uploaded a build for it that used that bundleID

From the docs: Remove an app:

WARNING: If you remove an app, you will lose ownership of the app name. Removed apps can only be restored if the name is not currently in use by another developer account. In addition, the SKUcan’t be reused in the same organization and if you’ve uploaded a build, your bundle IDcan’t be reused.

To add to @KMT's reply: I was playing with a test app that wasn't released and wanted to reset the build numbers so deleted the app... as KMT said you then can't re-use that Bundle ID. After a bit of digging I found this apple page:

The basics of it is you can restore an app as long as nobody else has grabbed the bundle id! Apparently OTHERS can re-use it but not you... 🤷‍♂️ I'm sure it makes sense to Apple!

Here is the instructions to restore it from that page:

Restore an app

  • From My Apps, click the arrow next to All Statuses on the top right.
    Note: If the removed app is the only app in your account, the app will be listed in My Apps. Restore the app by following steps 3 to 6.
  • From the menu, choose Removed Apps.
  • Click the app you want to restore.
  • In the sidebar, click App Information.
  • Scroll to the Additional Information section and click Restore App.
  • In the dialog that appears, select Limited Access or Full Access, then click Restore.
Reuse bundle identifier of the deleted app